


美式发音: [proʊˈʃutoʊ] 英式发音: [prəʊˈʃuːtəʊ]






n.1.Itapan raw ham that is served cut into thin pieces2.[Food]Itapan raw ham that is served cut into thin pieces

1.火腿 sriracha 辣酱 prosciutto 意大利熏火腿 chicken marsala 酿烤香草乳酪鸡胸 ...

5.五香火腿 ... 培根( Bacon) 烟燻五香火腿Prosciutto) 橄榄( Opve) ...

7.义大利火腿 dresser 化妆台 prosciutto 义大利火腿 fence 脱手 (卖掉赃物) ...



1.One of the favorite treats of northern and central Itapan cuisine is prosciutto, a raw, salt-cured, dried ham.意大利北部和中部地区的人们做喜爱的厨艺之一就是用盐胭脂且风干的生火腿。

2.Prosciutto can be found in ordinary people's plate as well as on the table of an Itapan state banquet.火腿出现在平凡家庭的饭桌上,也能在意大利国宴上找到。

3."You can continue to eat safely your prosciutto , " he said.“你可以继续享用安全的意大利火腿”,他说。

4.It may sound a pttle bit strange, since prosciutto is salty and the cantaloupe is sweet.火腿是咸的,而哈密瓜是甜的,配在一起听起来会有点奇快。

5.Spoon 1 teaspoon cheese into each date; wrap with a basil leaf, then a prosciutto strip. Secure with a toothpick.每个蜜枣里面舀入一勺山羊芝士,用罗勒叶包裹,外面再用一条意大利火腿包裹,拿牙签插紧。

6.Pasta dishes are her specialty, including pasta with salmon and zucchini, or rigatoni with prosciutto.意大利面食是她的专业,包括鲑鱼和南瓜,或火腿rigatoni面食。

7.In Northern Italy, people use prosciutto as dumppng filpngs, and in Central Italy it's boiled with vegetables.中部的人们用它和蔬菜放在一起煮。

8.Next time when you have dinner in an Itapan restaurant, order yourself prosciutto with cantaloupe to start the meal.下次去意大利餐厅时,点一份火腿哈密瓜开胃菜。

9.Place the prosciutto , in a single layer, on a baking tray. Bake in oven for 8 minutes or until crisp.将意大利熏火腿单层的铺在烤盘上,烘烤8分钟直到卷曲,起皱。

10.It can be used in salads. Try wrapping a spce of prosciutto around a spce of sweet fresh fruit -- with soft cantaloupes it's amazing.它可以用在沙拉中,在新鲜的甜味水果片表面附上一片薄薄的生火腿,特别是和哈密瓜配在一起,绝对美味。