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网络释义:调谐模式(Easy Tuning Mode);宏单元


abbr.1.electronic ticket machine

1.调谐模式(Easy Tuning Mode)本机首次应用了德生独创开发的ETMEasy Tuning Mode)调谐模式,大大地提高了收听广播的便捷度,助您享受广播,给您 …

2.宏单元嵌入式跟踪宏单元(ETM)支持对执行代码进行无干扰的高速实时跟踪;4路10位A/D转换器,转换时间低至2.44μs;2个32位定时 …


1.At the farmer's market I got tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, etm.我在农贸市场买了些西红柿,黄瓜,小萝卜等小东西。

2.Using TM and ETM image, we did a dynamic monitoring about coal resources of Xiangning County.本文以多时相TM与ETM影像为数据源,对乡宁县的煤炭资源进行了动态监测。

3.Liquid flow velocity in the down-comer was measured using the electrolyte tracer measurement (ETM) technique.应用电极示踪测试技术(ETM)测定了下降段液体速度;

4.I was just taking care of bills etm. before he came over.他来之前我才正在整理账单等杂事。

5.With the support of RS and GIS, the TM(ETM)images of East Dongting Lake in 1989 and 2001 have been interpreted.在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,对东洞庭湖1989和2001年两个时段的TM(ETM)卫星影像进行了遥感解译。

6.In this paper, a new ETM(superscript +) image controllable fusion method based on wavelet transform is proposed.提出了基于小波变换的ETM(上标+)影像可调节融合方法。

7.The ETM images, including atmospheric correction, geometric correction, and other geographical data pretreatment;对ETM图像进行包括大气校正、几何校正和地理配准等的数据预处理;

8.An Estimation of Wetland Vegetation Biomass in the Poyang Lake Using Landsat ETM Data数据估算鄱阳湖湿生植被生物量

9.The Ground Reflectance Spectrum Retrieval from ETM ImagesETM图像地物反射率光谱反演

10.Study on Beijing Urban Heat Effect with Landsat ETM Data and Mono-window Algorithm使用单窗算法研究北京城区热岛效应