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网络释义:电动汽车(electric vehicle);电动车;曝光补偿




n.1.[Photography]Exposure Value

1.电动汽车(electric vehicle) 同时 …

3.曝光补偿曝光补偿Ev),是在使用M手动挡以外的模式时,对测光结果偏差的纠正。当曝光补偿为正的时候,在原有测光结果上需要 …

4.电子伏特什么是电子伏特eV)? 光触媒(TiO2)的近代发展三部曲 光触媒(TiO2)的强亲水性与接触角检验法 喜欢电子的老人 我为什 …

5.纯电动汽车而纯电动汽车EV)取消了传统的内燃机,单纯依靠储能电池提供动力。燃料电池汽车(FCEV)既取消了内燃机,也不需要 …

6.企业价值(Enterprise Value)美国平均企业价值EV)在私募股权退出时从12亿美元增长到22亿美元,增加了83%。欧洲的平均企业价值在退出时从8亿美 …


1.Ev "ry beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, I want so much to be with you, oh, please" .内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊你的名字。我是如此渴望和你在一起,噢,希望你,希望。

2.Note that this is the first time the ev: namespace has been used that was declared way up in the basic form example.要注意,这里第一次使用ev:名称空间,虽然在前面的基本表单的示例中早已声明。

3.Allow at least a month to renew a regular SSL certificate and a longer lead time for the new Extended Vapdation (EV) certificates.应该至少每个月续约一次常规SSL证书,新的ExtendedVapdation(EV)证书的续约周期可以长一些。

4.EV indicates how much of the budget and time should have been spent, with regards to the amount of work done to date.挣值可以反映出当前多少预算和时间应该被使用,和对应有多少工作已经完成。

5.loudly cri your name, Ev'ry beat of my heart. I want so much to be with you, oh, please, please, feel the same.都在呼喊你名字。如此渴望和你一起,内心的每一次跳动。噢,希望你希望你能有同样的感觉。

6.Ev'ry morning', they wake us up dead early. . . but it was okay, 'cause you know, what's the point of lyon' around doing' nothing'?每天早晨,他们都会很早叫醒我们…但这没关系,因为你知道,躺在那里什么也不做有什么意思?

7.It is hoped the Source scheme will be rolled out nationwide, with EV users able to tap into a network of charging points across the country.人们希望这项资源供应计划可以推广到全国,使得电动车的用户可以在国内任何地方都能接入系统对爱车进行充电。

8.So much federal involvement has helped spur state governments and private industry to make significant investments in the EV sector as well.联邦政府如此多的投入,刺激了州政府和私有企业也对电动车领域进行大规模的投资。

9.Twitter founder and CEO Ev Wilpams has more reciprocal @ conversations on Twitter with Sacca than with anyone else except his wife.Twitter的创始人兼首席执行官EvWilpams在Twitter上使用@回复与其交谈的次数要多过其他任何人(他的妻子除外)。

10.To that end, consumers and businesses can get tax credits worth up to $7, 500 on the purchase of each new electric vehicle (EV).因此,消费者每购买一辆新电动车,最高可获得7,500美元的税款减免。