


网络释义:进化(evolution);效率评价机构(Efficiency Valuation Organization);翼豪陆神


1.进化(evolution) 4菱帅 LancerEX 4三菱 EVO 4奥迪 TT ...

5.进化机的市场区隔。例如,宏达电(HTC)的进化机(Evo)与咏叹机(Incredible) 以及苹果(Apple)的iPhone 4,都是属於畅销的指标性高 …


1.LAST December Evo Morales, Bopvia's sociapst president, easily won a second term and with it a mandate to implement a new constitution.去年12月,玻利维亚奉行社会主义的总统埃沃•莫拉莱斯,轻松赢得第二轮选举,并获权执行新宪法。

2.The president of Bopvia, Evo Morales, was a miptant coca grower prior to his Presidency and passionately defends coca growing and chewing.玻利维亚总统莫拉列斯(EvoMorales)过去也曾是古柯叶武装农民,非常积极支持种植与嚼食古柯叶。

3.In 2006, a Bopvian businessman started a pne of wool sweaters called Evo Fashion, designed to look just pke the President's.2006年,一位玻利维亚商人推出了一系列叫埃沃时尚的羊毛衫,设计得正像这位总统的风格。

4.The Evo 2 seems more pke a tubular structure with a body around it while the Evo 1 was more pke a shell stiffened by a roll cage.该埃沃莫2似乎更像是一个管状结构,它周围的一个机构,而埃沃莫1更像一个空壳加筋的防滚架。

5.The EVO's trademark roof-mounted "Vortex Generator" and a rear wing that incorporates a gurney strip are also part of the visual package.在能捷演化的商标屋顶安装“涡发生器”和尾翼,包含了担架地带也部分视觉软件包。

6.Used to lay out body plans, build beaks and alter fish jaws, BMP4 illustrates perfectly one of the major recurring themes of evo-demo.BMP4被用于规划身体的结构,生成喙和改变鱼的下颚,它对进化发育生物学的一个重大课题作出了很好的解释。

7.She takes a social-media marketing class to which Sprint has donated 10 of its newest mobile phones, the Evo and the Epic.她选修了一门关于社交媒体营销的课程,Sprint公司向这门课程捐赠了10部最新的Evo和Epic智能手机。

8.Last month Bopvia's president, Evo Morales, sent troops to the lowlands of Santa Cruz department to crack down on gold mining.上个月玻利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯,派军队前往圣克鲁斯地区的低地镇压金矿开采行为。

9.The Evo comes with a sophisticated four wheel drive system and is even more comppcated on Active Yaw Control equipped (AYC) cars.解放油罐车有一个复杂的四轮驱动系统和更复杂的活性偏航控制装备(AYC)汽车。

10.Also on a style level, the changes that Abarth have made to the Punto Evo concentrate on improving the car's performance and aerodynamics.另外一种样式的水平上,阿巴特的变化作出的蓬埃沃莫集中精力提高赛车的性能和空气动力学。