

data table

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1.数据表taAdapter对象用于执行SQL语句同时 打开数据表格DataTable),DataSet对象用于存取数 据库。

6.数据表类4.5.2 数据表类DataTable)介绍4.6 使用事务4.7 小结4.8 上机实践习题第5章 数据绑定5.1 数据绑定概述5.2 绑定单值数据5.2.…


1.If you were to make a change to the Wrapper template, it would affect only the Data Table, which appears once.如果您想要对Wrapper模板作出更改,那么它将只会影响到DataTable,它值出现了一次。

2.For a Data Table control, the Binds to multi-valued option would be selected, and Attribute for repeating values would be set to var.对于一个DataTable控件,绑定至多个值选项将会被选中,而重复值属性将会设置为var。

3.When AcceptChanges is called on a DataSet, DataTable, or DataRow, all rows with a row state of Deleted are removed.对DataSet、DataTable或DataRow调用AcceptChanges时,会移除行状态为Deleted的所有行。

4.Before going on to read the usage scenarios for download within a datatable, try to upload a few more images to the table.在学习数据表内部的下载使用场景前,设法向表中上传更多的图象。

5.This new option enables a DataSet and a DataTable to be seriapzed in binary format when using binary transports over remoting.在通过远程处理进行二进制传输时,这个新选项使DataSet和DataTable可以使用二进制格式进行序列化。

6.Using a master-detail relationship, this would have resulted in a detail DataTable that would have been empty most of the time.如果使用master-detail关系,那么将产生一个具体的DataTable,该DataTable在大部分情况下都是空的。

7.You will now create a master-detail relationship between the two DataTables so a more useful display of the data can be given.现在可以创建这两个DataTable之间的master-detail(主从复合)关系,以便提供更有用的数据显示。

8.A DataTable, is populated with values from properties of the My. Computer object, and then bound to a grid.DataTable,dt用My.Computer对象的属性值填充,然后再绑定到网格。

9.Initiapzes a new instance of the DataTableMapping class with a source when given a source table name and a DataTable name.当给定源表名称和DataTable名称时,用源初始化DataTableMapping类的新实例。

10.When this occurs, a generic gray icon is typically shown, as you saw previously with the dataTable and column tags.当这种情况发生时,会出现一个灰色的图标,就像在前面您在dataTable和列标签中看到的那样。