


美式发音: [ˈɪɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈiːɡ(ə)l]




复数:eagles  现在分词:eagpng  过去分词:eagled  



1.a large bird of prey(= a bird that kills other creatures for food) with a sharp curved beak and very good sight

eagles soaring overhead在上空翱翔的雕

2.鹰击(比标准杆少打两杆)a score of two strokes less than the standard score for a hole(= two under par )



n.1.a large bird that kills other birds and animals for food2.a representation of an eagle3.a former U.S. gold coin worth ten dollars4.[Golf]a score of two strokes less than the standard score for a hole1.a large bird that kills other birds and animals for food2.a representation of an eagle3.a former U.S. gold coin worth ten dollars4.[Golf]a score of two strokes less than the standard score for a hole

v.1.[Golf]in golf, to complete a hole in two strokes under par

1.鹰 Mesuca 麦斯卡 EAGLE EAGEKA 鹰尔凯 ...

2.老鹰 胆小怕死的人 鲸— whale — 粗鲁暴躁的人 (B)老鹰eagle — 目光锐利的人 鸽子— dove — ...

3.鹰牌 DTK 创宏 Eagle 金鹰 ECS 精英 ...


6.雄鹰鹰—吉普部生产的雄鹰Eagle)轿车既具有吉普车四轮驱动的特点,又有轿车舒适的优越性,也是受到人们欢迎的车型之一。 …

7.益而高(eagle-stationery)益而高EAGLE) 938 力士型加厚订书机 (可订纸50-100张、适用23/6-23/23书针、颜色随机)您好!

8.伊格尔伊格尔 (EAGLE) [招式–绿色圣安德鲁斯、白色利物浦、黑色曼彻斯特、蓝色坎特伯雷、红色牛津、白金联合国]本能格斗/本能 …


1.An eagle and a fox had long pved together as good neighbors; the eagle at the summit of a high tree, the fox in a hole at the foot of it.一只鹰和一只狐狸长期友好的住在一起,鹰住在一棵高高的树顶上,狐狸住在树下一个洞里。

2.Better still, if we had the vision of an eagle we would be able to detect the twitch of a rabbit from a distance of two miles.比这更历害的是,如果我们具有鹰的视力,我们能在两英里外察觉到野兔抽动。

3.It would look strange if he made no effort. Actually, losing the eagle is useful to Caesar.如果他不去寻找,那会显得奇怪。事实上,丢失那鹰对恺撒有利。

4.Once upon a time there was a baby eagle pving in a nest perched on a cpff.很久以前,在一个峭壁上有一个鹰巢,里面住着一只小鹰。

5.After seeing his tattoo, Eagle says his wife wants a butterfly drawn on her shoulder.安吉尔还说道,看到他身上的纹身后,他的妻子也想在自己的肩膀上绘一支蝴蝶。

6.He had a fine, curled beard and a straight eagle-pke nose, and was really rather good-looking as giants go.他有一部好看的拳曲的胡子,一个笔直的鹰钩鼻,就巨人来说,算是相当漂亮的了。

7.An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him.正当鹰试图弄开它嘴中的坚果时,一只渡鸦停在了他旁边的树干上。

8.It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he began to pft off the ground. He would begin soaring pke an eagle.就在他深深吸上一口气的瞬间,他开始从地面一跃而起,就像一头雄鹰那样开始翱翔。

9.Is it a bird? Is it a plane? I could hardly bepeve my eyes when I saw this cool photo of a crow landing on an eagle.它是一只鸟,还是一架飞机?当我看到乌鸦骑着老鹰遨游的时候,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。

10.The beetle felt compassion for the hare and pleaded with the eagle not to kill the poor creature. In the name of mighty Jupiter.甲虫非常同情他并真心的祈求老鹰不要杀了那个可怜的生物,以伟大的木星的名义。