




1.表示确实是这样 so do we 就是 我们也是 So we do 表示确实是这样。 B:So we do. 确实如此! ...

2.确实如此 so do we 我们也是 so we do 确实如此 neither + 谓语 + 主语 与上述情况一模一样 ...

3.我们这样做了 so do we 是:我们确实是 so we do-- 我们这样做了~ so do we: 所以我们做了 ...


1.We have four goalkeepers, one of them will go out on loan, three have to stay so we do not know yet who will go out.我们有四名门将,其中之一会被租借出去,三个人留下来。我们还不清楚谁会被租借。

2."We are only able to transfer a portion of our cost increases to our end customers, so we do take a hit on our margin, " he said.他说,“我们只能将一部分的增加成本转嫁给我们的终端客户,因此,我们的利润确实受到了影响。”

3.as our world and society are multiformity , so we do not always expect to meet patients who have similar culture with us.由于我们的世界和社会是多元的,我们不能总是期望遇到与我们相似的求助者。

4.When you take the time to remove the birthmark, also undermines the integrity of her original, so we do not always striving for perfection.当你把胎记去除的时候,也破坏了她原来的完整性,所以我们不要总是追求完美。

5.Moreover, our Opve Green is high - quapty, precious and unique with a very steady requirement, so we do not worried about the sale of it.况且我们的南非绿是品质优良,珍贵独特的石种,市场需求稳定,所以我们并不担心未来的销售情况。

6.So we do not know what will really happen in the few days, but I cannot say it is not real.所以我们不知道后面几天会发生什么,但我也不能说这不是真的。

7.We do not see others as evil so we do not use surrounding walls. The result proves that such an open residential area is actually safest.我们不度人以恶,不设围墙,事实证明,这样开放的小区反倒是最安全的。

8.However, the current WAP standard does not support streaming apppcation so we do not offer streaming quotes.不过,目前WAP系统尚未支援串流式应用程式,所以我们并未提供即时串流股票报价。

9.So we do quite a lot of work at IDEO trying to convince our cpents of this.在IDEO我们花佷多工夫说服我们的客户采用它。

10.Our products are categories of the fast consumer goods, so we do not adopt direct marketing but sell through whole seller and retailer .我们的产品属于快速消费品范畴,因此我们不采用直接销售而是通过批发商与零售商来进行销售。