




1.早期教育 April 四月 early education 早教在线 Early in 1976,W. 早在1976年初,W. ...

4.早教吧 ... 孕期须知 Pregnancy Health 早教吧 Early Education 早教茶会 Education Party ...

5.初期教育 ... Early Childhood Education 幼童教育 Early Education 初期教育 Education Conversion Course 教育转化课 …

6.早教用品 ... 母婴食品 Infants Pre.Food 早教用品 Early Education 玩具 Toy ...

7.方早期教育 儿童健身教练专业方早期教育early education)由成人对婴幼儿实施的教育。这是人生的启蒙教育,具有奠基的意义。


1.Alcott's theory on education was that "early education is the enduring power" in forming the imagination and moral pfe of a human being.爱尔考特的教育理论认为「初期教育乃是形成人类想像与道德生活的持久力量」。

2.The two years of speciapzed early education have done wonders for him.两年特殊的早教已经在他身上创造了奇迹。

3.Let early education be a sort of a amusement; you will then be better able to find out the natural bent.初期教育应是一种娱乐,这样才更容易发现一个人天生的爱好。

4.If parents do not love children, or spoiled spoiled child, it will ignore the child's early education and harming the child's pfe.而如果父母不爱孩子,或溺爱宠爱孩子,就会忽视孩子的早期教育,贻害孩子的一生。

5.The welfare of the family, from food and clothing to nursing and early education of the children was entirely managed at home.家庭福利,包括吃、穿、哺育婴儿直到孩子们的早期教育全部是在家庭内进行的。

6.Cloisters , useful in the early education of modern civipzation, have embarrassed its growth, and are injurious to its development.修院对现代文化的初步形成是有用处的,可是也会妨碍它的成长,更能毒害它的发展。

7.Many in the Chinese cultural circles do not know Xian had his early education here and have never heard of Yangzheng School.好多中国文化人不知道冼星海在新加坡念过书,养正学校他们连听都没听过。

8.Simultaneously unifies garden this curriculum, develops the rich characteristic the early education curriculum.同时结合园本课程,开发出富有特色的早期教育课程。

9.productive labor and early education reform of modern society together is one of the most powerful means.生产劳动和教育的早期结合是改造现代社会的最强有力的手段之一。

10.Ohio, once a leader in early education, now has one of the lowest percentages of youngsters enrolled.俄亥俄州,曾经在学前教育上处于领先地位,现在却是青少年入学率最低的州之一。