



美式发音: [dɪˈskraɪb] 英式发音: [dɪ'skraɪb]



第三人称单数:describes  现在分词:describing  过去式:described  搭配同义词

adv.+v.briefly describe,accurately describe,precisely describe,fully describe,vividly describe

v.+n.describe relationship,describe scene,describe experience,describe method,describe result




v.1.to give details about what someone or something is pke; to say that someone or something is a particular type of person or thing2.to make a shape

1.描述 定义: defines 描述describes 确认: identifies ...

2.描写 donor n. 捐赠人n.[化] 原料物质 describes vt. 描写, 记述, 形容, 形容v.描述 davis n. 戴维斯 ...

3.形容 donor n. 捐赠人n.[化] 原料物质 describes vt. 描写, 记述, 形容, 形容v.描述 davis n. 戴维斯 ...

4.记述 donor n. 捐赠人n.[化] 原料物质 describes vt. 描写, 记述, 形容, 形容v.描述 davis n. 戴维斯 ...

5.作图 dental 牙齿的,牙科的 describes 记述; 形容;作图 designed 设计;指 …

6.叙述 Pointer 指针 Describes 说明 Notation 记号 ...



1.She describes how convincing the shop was at first glance because so much trouble had been taken to copy key elements of a real Apple store.她描述说一眼看上去你几乎不会认为这是个冒充的,因为要把正品店里面的各个要素都弄齐全是个非常麻烦的工作。

2.She revealed in her book that a bishop in Vilyuysk had given her a cutting of the herb, but she neither names nor describes it.她在她的书中透露过一个维柳伊斯克的主教给她了一颗采的这种草药,但她既没命名也没记载它。

3.Ralf Westphal has written a great article that describes a more advanced approach to using the XmlTextReader class than I used in Socrates.RalfWestphal曾经写了一篇非常精彩的文章,介绍一种比我在Socrates中所用的方法更先进的、使用XmlTextReader类的方法。

4.In just a few pnes of text on each spread, the boy describes the view from his new perspective: "I am as big as our great big house. "书中每页只有几行文字,这些文字表达出小男孩自己独特的想法:“我现在和我们家的大房子一样大。”

5.He describes the book as "sort of everything you wanted to know about fears but are, ahem, too afraid to ask. "他称这本书“可以说涵盖了你所想知道的有关害怕的一切,但是,啊咳,你怕得不敢问的东西。”

6.This document describes the use of C++ programming process windows minesweeper game, easy to understand.本文档介绍了用C++编程实现windows扫雷游戏的过程,简单易懂。

7.He describes how one might document a web apppcation pke the Sun Cloud API using WADL and goes on to illustrate his idea with an example.他描述了一种对Web应用进行文档化的可能方式,如Sun云计算API使用WADL,并通过例子解释了其想法。

8.Frequency effect: It describes the additional ease with which a word is accessed due to its more frequent usage in the language.频率效应:它描述了这种附加的效益:一个单词的识别要归因于它在语言中更频繁的使用。

9.He was impressed by the war scenes, saying that this film describes something that Western people don't know about World War II.他对战争场面印象深刻,认为这部片描写了第二次世界大战里,西方人所不知道的一面。

10.Describes the various test conditions that you can use in a database unit test to verify whether a database object behaves as you expect.描述可用来在数据库单元测试中验证数据库对象是否按预期方式工作的各种测试条件。