




1.伦敦东区伦敦东区East End of London)位于伦敦城的东部,泰晤士河北岸,地域面积远比伦敦西区或伦敦城要大得多。然而无论是怀 …

2.集中在伦敦东区开膛手的犯案地点集中在伦敦东区East End of London)白教堂(Whitechapel)附近。这里在当时是著名的移民集散地,远 …

3.东伦敦你会经常听到人们说:举办奥运的地方,东伦敦East End of London)是个“很上来(up and coming)”的地方,然后纳闷为 …

4.英国伦敦东区籍贯: 英国伦敦东区(英语:East End of London)的斯毕塔菲尔德 出生地: 英国伦敦东区(英语:East End of London)的 …


1.He also makes great use of local color, from the harsh Cockney accents of his characters to the dark streets of the East End of London.他还大量使用当地色彩,从主角们的伦敦腔到伦敦东区的黑色街道。

2.One of his books was an examination of poverty in the East End of London.他有本著作,考察了伦敦东区的贫困情况。

3.The son of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, he grew up in the hard-scrabble East End of London.来自东欧犹太移民的儿子,生长在穷困的伦敦东端。

4.IN 1904 a group of worthies met in the East End of London to discuss the ppght of schoolchildren too hungry to follow their lessons.1904年,一群知名人士聚集在伦敦东区,讨论一个困境:在校儿童饥饿难耐以至于无法跟上课程进度。

5.The dish is an East End of London depcacy, often sold with pie and mash.这道菜是东伦敦的地道小吃,通常和馅饼、土豆泥一起出手。

6.You may have heard a Cockney accent (east end of London).你可能听说过伦敦佬口音(东伦敦)。

7.People born in the East End of London are called Cockneys.出生在伦敦东区的人被称作Cockneys。

8.This is the East End of London, not beautiful in appearance, but very important to the country's trade.这里就是伦敦的东区,它的外表看上去并不美丽,但它对全国的贸易极为重要。