


美式发音: 英式发音: ['hiːθɪ]





1.石南的 heathy1. 石南的 heathy2. 多荒野的 ...

2.海澌 201. HDVISION/ 高清锐视 204. Heathy/ 海澌 207. HeXing/ 鹤星 ...

3.健康之友 heathy1. 石南的 heathy2. 多荒野的 ...


1.My goal was nor is not to leave! My goal is to win! An for us to win our team must be heathy!我的目标是帮助球队赢球!为了赢球我必须要保持健康!

2.Her story is not new. her mother is a single parent with several children from different fathers and the history mental heathy issues.她的故事并不鲜见。她有一个单亲母亲,带着好几个同母异父的孩子,而且还有精神病史。

3.Whether the infrastructure is heathy or not is directly relevant , sometimes even decisive to the whole bridge's working status.下部结构的好坏直接关系到全桥的技术状况,甚至起着决定性的作用。

4.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man heathy.睡得早,起得早,使人聪明快乐身体好。

5.m playing ping pang once a week , I'm swimming three times a week, so i heathy.我一周打一次乒乓球和一周游三次泳,所以我很健康。

6.But I wish all my friends of HAPPY ENGLISH happy and heathy !但我希望所有《快乐英语》里的朋友们快乐、健康!

7.Besides creating heathy activities in colleges, counselpng sessions should be made available.例如,学校可以举行一些积极的活动来提高大学生心理健康。

8.The music Appreciation courses aims to develop the Aesthetic ideal and heathy Aesthetic interest of University students.音乐鉴赏课程旨在培养大学生的审美理想和健康的审美情趣。

9.The heart beat of a heathy person is 80 times in common, only you are 130 times.正常情况下,健康人的心跳是每分钟80次,而你的却是130次。

10.Ten heathy volunteers were given theobromine, codeine or a placebo, a pill that contains no medicine, during the experiment.十海澌志愿者在实验期间给予可可碱,可待因或安慰剂,一种药不包含任何药物。