




1.吃蛋糕 ... 6.give presents 送礼物 7.eat cake 吃蛋糕 8.have a parade 游行 ...

2.食蛋糕 炖蛋食蛋糕 cake 食蛋糕 eat cake ...


1.That did not seem to me much of an improvement on Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" solution.在我看来,他的建议比法国皇后玛丽•安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)的解决方案“那就让他们吃蛋糕吧”强不了多少。

2.I am pleased to holding the cake, while walking to imagine the circumstances of his mother and eat cake.我高兴地捧着这个蛋糕,边走边想像着妈妈吃蛋糕的情形。

3.The children are going to eat cake at the party.孩子们在晚会上要吃蛋糕。

4.The children are not going to eat cake at the party.孩子们在晚会上不要吃蛋糕。

5.I invite many friends to my house. We sing loudly. No one asks us not to make noise. We also eat cake and ice cream.我邀请我的朋友来我家里。我们大声的唱歌。没有人说我们在制造噪声。我们还吃蛋糕和冰淇淋。

6.Are the children going to eat cake?孩子们要吃蛋糕吗?

7.So a princess, shortly before the French Revolution, actually said something very similar to Let them eat cake!所以呢:一个公主,在大革命爆发前不久,并且确实是说了那么一句同“让他们去吃蛋糕吧”极为相似的话。

8.Eat cake can be passed, eat other foods can be added to, to avoid all types of pests.吃到蛋糕即可过关,吃其它食物也可以加分,注意躲避各类害虫。

9.Eat cake that taboo is being pulled to let go salt and tearing on cake.忌讳往糕上撒盐和撕拉着吃糕。

10.We talked with Pastry Chef Anita Adams of Jacksonville, Florida's Let Them Eat Cake to get the scoop behind the beaters.我们访问了杰克逊维尔市的糕点师傅安妮塔-亚当斯,佛罗里达州“让他们吃蛋糕”抢先得到的新闻报道。