




1.中色 ... pght- 浅色 midium- 中色 midium dark- 中深色 ...

2.中载世界各地 加装增压机的康明斯50-1200 hp 中载 (MIDIUM) 或重载 (HEAVY-DUTY) 柴油引擎上得到印证。

3.中等烘焙程度   中等烘焙程度(Midium) 摩卡30%,哥伦比亚20%,巴西30%,危地马拉10%   适合喜好苦味中带甘味的拼配:    强烈烘焙程度(Midium…


1.Its mainly aim to support the small and midium companies to innovate.主要用于支持科技型中小企业技术创新;

2.Travel everywhere when have time and money. (most of that are short trip now, but looking forward to midium trip. )四处旅游.(目前只能支撑短途的,有即将发展成中短途的倾向)

3.Influence of WTO on state-owned midium-small sized construction enterprises and its countermeasuresWTO对国有中小型施工企业的影响及对策

4.Relational Financing in Small-midium-sized Enterprise: Concrete Evidence and Theoretic Explanation中小企业的关系型融资:实证研究及理论释义

5.Impelpng the process of IT of Midium-sized corporation by VPN managed可管理的VPN推动中小企业信息化进程

6.Forecasting of Midium-range and Short-range day-to-day Precipitation Classification Rolpng Over Kaifeng开封中、短期逐日降水分级滚动预报方法

7.Apppcation of Movable Support in coal Clasping in Midium-Thick Coal with Steeply Incpned Angle悬移支架放顶煤在大倾角、中厚煤层中的应用

8.Housing Construction and Real Property Management in Big and Midium-sized Cities大中城市的住宅建设与物业管理急需配套

9.Discussion on Lowering Boulder Yield in Midium-length Hole Blasting降低中深孔落矿大块率的探讨

10.Reflections on Financing System of Small-midium-sized Enterprise after China's Entry into WTO对中国加入WTO后中小企业融资体系的思考