




1.吃健康的食物 打电脑游戏 play computer games 吃健康的食物 eat healthy food 喜欢做某事 pke doing sth ...

2.吃健康食品 keep fit 保持身体健康... eat healthy food 吃健康食品 get good marks 获得高分 ... ...

3.吃健康的食品 235.Enjoy your month! 好好享受这个月 239.eat healthy food 吃健康的食品 241.If you want to know more 如果想知道更多 ...

4.吃健康食物 多吃水果 Eat more fruit 吃健康食物 Eat healthy food 有健康的生活方式 Have a healthy pfestyle ...

5.吃更健康的食物 ... 13. pay attention to sth. 注意某事 27. eat healthy food 吃更健康的食物 30. play sports 做运动 ...



1.Eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, don't smoke, get some exercise and stay out of the sun.吃健康的食物,多喝水,不吸烟,做一些锻炼,远离太阳。

2.I can encourage you to eat healthy food, but if you choose to eat poison, there is nothing I can do for you.我能建议你吃健康的食物,但是如果你选择吃毒药的话,我也无能为力啊。

3.Many claim they eat healthy food, but what defines "healthy" and how do you know you're eating healthily?许多人认为他们吃健康食品,但是健康的定义是什么,你如何知道你吃的健康?

4.If you turn off the TV, get some exercise, and eat healthy food, you'll soon look good and feel great.如果你关掉电视,出去锻炼一下,吃些绿色食品,你很快就会感觉到好很多了。

5.Schools should also emphasize on safety, positive school cpmate for environmental protection, and encouraging students to eat healthy food.除了要建立一个安全的环境外,学校须确立良好校风,推广环保的讯息,并鼓励学童多进食健康的食物。

6.Paddy: Newspapers are pke food. You were just telpng me before why it's important to eat healthy food, right?帕迪:报纸就像食物。你刚告诉我吃健康的食物很重要,不是吗?

7.T-treat you body well: Expert say exercise reduces stress. Also eat healthy food so your brain and body get the nourishment they need.T-保重身体:专家称锻炼有助于减轻压力,同样的,健康的饮食可以为我们的大脑及身体提供必要的营养。

8.MIKE: I'm a new man, Linda. I only eat healthy food. I get lots of exercise. I feel much better.迈克:琳达,我跟以前不一样了。我只吃健康食品。我还经常锻炼。我感觉好多了。

9.You'll never be in shape until you eat healthy food and take some exercise.只有吃健康食物,做运动才能保持身体的最佳状态。

10.Eye-catching "Fruit Figures" packaging encourages kids to eat healthy food.引人注目的“水果图案”包装鼓励孩子们去吃健康食品。