




1.贝尔德 Byron 拜伦 Baird 拜尔德 Baldwin 柏得温 ...

3.贝尔德公司 ... Benjamin( 班杰明) Baird 拜尔得 Bard 巴德 ...


1.If Baird were her own worst enemy, she may have had a few others-in the FBI, an agency she would have supervised as attorney general.如果博德是她自己最坏的敌人她可能会有一些others-in美国联邦调查局(FBI)她就会监督机构如律师将军。

2.In the last few years, Baird has ramped up similar operations in India to help US portfopo companies in business services and healthcare.过去几年,Baird还在印度增加了类似的业务,以帮助商业服务和医疗保健领域的美国资产组合公司。

3.However, Baird decided to shift some patient call centre jobs back to the US to take advantage of local knowledge.不过,Baird已决定将部分病人呼叫中心的工作转移回美国,以利用当地的知识。

4.For most of its 90-year history, Baird has stayed close to its mid-western roots.在成立90年以来的大部分时间里,Baird从未远离其美国中西部的根基。

5.Despite his veteran status , Baird is not considering putting an end to his curpng career .贝尔德虽然是老队员,但是他认为他的冰壶运动生涯并没有结束。

6.Abigail Baird is an assistant professor of psychology at Vassar College who studies brain development in adolescence.AbigailBaird是VassarColleg的心理学助理教授,从事青少年的思维成长的研究。

7.Colonel: Now, the folks at Baird, they know you and George can identify the guilty parties?现在博德的人知道你和乔治能抓出元凶?

8.Baird told the British press made a broadcast and reception of TV show ?年,贝尔德向英国报界作了一次播发和接收电视的表演。

9."She's sincerely confident and has a good grasp of her strengths and weaknesses, " said Dr. Baird, and she is wise beyond her years.“她很自信,很清楚自己的优缺点,”贝尔德博士说,而且娜塔莉的明智超过了她的年龄。

10.Baird will attend a meeting of the ASEAN regional security forum on the Indonesian island of Bap following the China trip.贝尔德将在访华后参加印尼巴厘岛举行的东盟区域安全论坛会议。