





1.生态系统服务使耕地面积减少及农村劳力外移,同时亦会影响原有水田生态公益功能(ecosystem services),例如农地长期不湛水,杂草容 …

6.生态系统的服务6/7 2 第一节 生态系统服务的定义与研究进展 生态服务的定义Ecosystem Services) 生态系统服务:生态系统与生态过程 …

8.生态系统维护间接价值指生物多样性的另外一些与生态系统功能有关的,如环境作用(environment process)和生态系统维护ecosystem s


1.Productivity of the land and seas is diminishing, and with them the ecosystem services that are crucial for people to get out of poverty.土地和海洋的生产能力正在减弱,而二者加上生态系统服务对人们脱贫均起着关键作用。

2.As such wide-ranging numbers suggest, trying to price ecosystem services on such a big scale can be a mug's game.这么多广泛领域的数字标明,试图去大规模定价生态系统服务,会是桩无利可图的生意。

3.As species die, so biodiversity is depleted and with it the ecosystem services that such biodiversity provides.物种消亡的同时,生物多样性以及生物多样性提供的生态系统服务均会被削弱。

4.The services also can be classified as the coastal and open ocean ecosystem services due to the consideration of their spatial diversity.按服务的空间差异性将海洋生态系统服务分为近岸海洋生态系统服务和大洋生态系统服务。

5.Maqu County is the the main water conservation region in the Upper Yellow River and with great value of grassland ecosystem services.玛曲县是黄河上游地区的主要水源涵养地,草地生态系统服务价值巨大。

6.Biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts if ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social needs.如果生态系统服务已不再能满足社会需要,生物多样性损失就会对人类健康直接产生重大影响。

7.However, this effort does not include a rigorous evaluation of ecosystem services or scenarios under different exploitation regimes.但是,这次的报告并没有对生态系统进行严格的评估也没有考虑到在不同体制下开发的情况。

8.As parts of global economic values, both ecosystem services and natural capital ensure the welfare of human beings.它和自然资本共同为人类提供福利,同属全球经济总价值。

9.As for farming, it's pretty clear that it's one of (if not the) most important ecosystem services humanity requires.就农业而言,显而易见,它是人类对生态系统服务最重要的需求之一。

10.Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect pvephoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause poptical confpct.生态系统服务方面的变化还会对生计、收入和当地移民产生间接影响,有时甚至可能造成政治冲突。