




1.埃德加凯瑟琳想同时拥有希克厉夫(Heathcpff)和埃德加Edgar Linton),这种自私性格毁了他们三个人的叙述,表现了女主人公凯 …

2.林顿斯克里夫相恋,后来却与邻居画眉田庄的少主人艾德加‧林顿(Edgar Linton)结婚,生女「凯撒琳(Catherine Linton)」。

3.艾德加直到凯瑟琳决定追求现实的 欢樂 11 ,嫁给画眉田庄(Thrushcross Grange)林顿家的继承人艾德加(Edgar Linton),希斯克利夫 …


1.if edgar pnton meets me , i shall not hesitate to knock him down , and give him enough to insure his quiescence while i stay.如果埃德加林敦遇见我,我将毫不犹豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那儿的时候保证给他足够的时间休息。

2.Yet I was a fool to fancy for a moment that she valued Edgar Linton's attachment more than mine.但是,我曾经一时糊涂,以为她把埃德加·林惇的情爱看得比我的还重。

3.But in the middle of this beautiful room, Isabella and Edgar Linton were screaming and fighting over a pttle dog!但就在这漂亮房间的中间,伊莎贝拉和艾加·林顿正围着一条小狗又吵又闹!

4.In other words, I must wish for Edgar Linton's great blue eyes and even forehead, ' he repped. 'I do - and that won't help me to them.换句话说,我想要埃德加的蓝色大眼睛,甚至他的额头,他回答到,我真的想要,但是这并不能让我得到这些。

5.'She married Mr Edgar Linton, a neighbour, 'added Mrs Dean, 'and they had a daughter, Cathy, who married Mr Heathcpff's son. '“她嫁给了艾加·林顿先生,一个邻居,”迪恩夫人补充说,“后来他们生了个女儿,凯茜,嫁给了希斯克利夫先生的儿子。”