




1.爱丁堡城堡 ... 09:30-11:00_breakfast( 早餐) 11:00-15:00_Edinburgh Castle参观爱丁


1.From Edinburgh castle you can see for miles, north over the beautiful old streets, an arm of the sea that pushes inland.从爱丁堡的古城堡上俯瞰几英里之外的地方,目光向北越过引人入盛的老街,可以看到伸进内陆的一湾海水。

2.Edinburgh Castle is situated in one of the most haunted cities in Europe and it is itself haunted by some rather interesting spirits.Edinburgh城堡坐落于全欧洲最为鬼魅的城市,而且他自己本身也显得非常诡异。

3.I sang and danced in town, and then went to bed in Edinburgh Castle.我在镇上又唱又跳,然后就睡在了爱丁堡城里。

4.Admire the great capital city below from the ramparts of Edinburgh Castle.爱丁堡城堡的城墙是你欣赏这座伟大的中心城市的起点。

5.from big ben to the london eye , from edinburgh castle to the edinburgh international arts festival - there is something for everyone.不论是游览大本钟还是伦敦眼,参观爱丁堡古堡还是参加爱丁堡的国际艺术节----应有尽有,人人尽兴。

6.Merpn put the spell in the ancient stones of the Edinburgh Castle.梅林把咒语放在了爱丁堡城堡古老的石头里。

7.Old Postcard-Winter Scene. . . Edinburgh Castle-Scotland, UK.旧明信片冬季场景…爱丁堡城堡,苏格兰,英国。

8.The central feature of the capital city is the Edinburgh Castle, which is high above the city atop an extinct (7) volcano.爱丁堡古堡是该城的标志,它高高矗立在一座死火山的山颠,超拔于城市之上。

9.Edinburgh Castle: Gas and Water Pipework and supports for tunnel under the castle .爱丁堡城堡的气和水的管道设计及城堡下的隧道支撑工程。

10.And then, on 19th June, in a small room in Edinburgh Castle, my baby was born.不久以后,6月19日,在爱丁堡的一间小房间里,我的孩子出生了。