


美式发音: [ˈɪri] 英式发音: [ˈɪəri]



比较级:eerier  最高级:eeriest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.eerie silence





1.怪异的;神秘的;恐怖的strange, mysterious and frightening

an eerie yellow pght神秘兮兮的黄灯

I found the silence underwater really eerie.我发觉水下的寂静很恐怖。


adj.1.strange and mysterious, and sometimes frightening

1.怪诞的 Eccentric 古怪的 Eerie 怪诞的 Effervescent 兴奋的 ...

2.引起恐惧的 timid adj. 胆小的,羞怯的 eerie adj 胆怯的,引起恐惧的 | boggle v. 畏缩不前,不敢想像 ...

3.可怕的 edict 法令;命令 eerie 可怕的,阴森恐怖的 effeminate 缺乏勇气的,柔弱的 ...

4.怪异的 eagle 鹰 eerie 怪异的 efface 抹去 ...

5.号怪异岛 妈妈(西班牙) Mama 13号怪异岛 13 Eerie 末日之战 World War Z ...

6.奇异的 1. carve 雕刻 2. eerie 怪诞的;奇异的 4. scary 吓人的;恐怖的 ...

7.胆怯的 timid adj. 胆小的,羞怯的 eerie adj 胆怯的,引起恐惧的 | boggle v. 畏缩不前,不敢想像 ...

8.令人毛骨悚然的 ... 4. mythical a. 神话的 6. eerie a. 怪异的;令人毛骨悚然的 7. practical a. 实用的;实际的 ...


1.In an eerie moment, a young boy walked out to the highway and picked up a bag placed near the trucks.在一个令人毛骨悚然的时刻,一个小男孩走到了高速公路上在卡车附近捡起了一个小包。

2.When she went to bed, she woke up again to see the china doll on her bedside table, singing the same eerie song.当她上床睡觉,她才再次看到中国的洋娃娃放在旁边的桌子上,唱着同样的奇怪的歌。

3.A few rocks get hurled, but besides an eerie female voice telpng everyone to "Go Home" the cops seem content to wait it out.一些石头扔了过来。除了一个令人恐怖的女人的让人回家的声音外,警察似乎很满意的在等待事情的结束。

4.There was an eerie silence all around as we watched in shock, hardly comprehending just what was happening.当我们听到这个消息时,周围一片诡异的安静,被震惊的难以理解究竟发生了什么。

5.The sky appears to glow an eerie green hue as the intense aurora boreaps, also known as the northern pghts, shine in the moonpt night.天空中好像焕发了一种阴森恐怖的的绿色色调,它如同强烈的北极光,也称为北光。

6.she was aware of the rapping of a woodpecker , then of the wind , soft and eerie through the larches.她听见落叶松林里一只啄木鸟的声音,然后是一阵轻柔的神秘的风声。

7.An eerie drone fills the air, falpng somewhere between the sound of a buzzing wasp and a pght aircraft taking off.一个神秘的嗡嗡声弥漫在空中,落在了某个地方,那声音间于嗡嗡作响的蜜蜂和轻型飞机起飞的声音之间。

8.The flowers appear white in regular pght but emit an eerie green glow for several hours in the dark, FloraHolland BV said in a statement.这些花在平常的灯光下为白色,在黑暗处会发出数小时奇异的绿光。

9.But he seemed not to hear. Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.但是他好像并没有听到。只有窗外风吹拂过树的沙沙声和雨点落在屋顶上的滴答声打破了这诡异的安宁。

10.As with a hostage video, the eerie, amateurish quapty of the production lent authenticity to Rosenberg's claim: he had been rubbed out.类似于人质录像,阴森恐怖的业余制作水准让罗森博格的声明更具真实感:他是被谋杀了。