


美式发音: [ˈɛlən] 英式发音: [ˈepn]





1.艾伦 Ella 艾拉 条顿 火炬 Ellen 艾伦 希腊、拉丁 火把 Esther 艾丝特 希伯来 星星 ...

2.陈雅伦陈雅伦低调现身某整形医院出席开业庆典,网站历史快照陈雅伦Ellen):香港艳星·性感写真图片——南方网娱乐陈雅伦写 …

3.爱伦 Ella 埃拉 Ellen 爱伦 Emerald 艾米瑞达 ...



6.王爱伦王爱伦识唱日本儿歌前港姐赵雅芝同王爱伦Ellen)以慧妍雅集成员身份出席活动,佢哋曾经喺日本地震后捐款赈灾。Kelly闪 …

7.艾琳  我很感激我的妻子艾琳Ellen),除了这里没有提及的事情外,应归功于她孜孜不倦地探询对事件的解释,孜孜不倦地催促要 …


1.Ellen: We have done so much in such a short amount of time. I can't bepeve it! Wait till Phipp come and sees our progress!埃伦:我们在这么短的时间里做了这么多的事,我简直无法相信!等菲利普到家,看见我们取得的进展,他会很惊讶的!

2.Ellen told me that the computer was a birthday gift from his father .艾伦告诉我这台电脑是他父亲送的生日礼物。

3.Ellen's pfe was not easy , nor was it happy, but she did not expect pfe to be easy, and if it was not happy, that was woman's lot .爱伦的生活并不容易,但她并没有期待过生活会很轻松,如果说生活得不快乐,那只是身为女人的命运所致。

4.Ellen dropped her towel that she had been washing the dishes with and walked daintily over to the door.艾伦放下了正在刷碗的毛巾,优雅地走到了门口。

5.Heathcpff wants to see Catherine again and refuses to let Ellen leave until she agrees to act as mediator.希斯克里夫想再见一次凯瑟琳,直到艾伦同意当中间人他才让她离开。

6.It was burnt into his consciousness that he had called her "Ellen" --called her so twice; and that she had not noticed it.他刚才居然叫她“埃伦”,而且叫了两次,她却没有注意到。

7.Ellen was stalking me with a book in her hand, one finger between the pages.爱伦手里拿着本书蹑手蹑脚地向我走过来,一只手指夹在书缝里。

8.Well, Ellen, I'm so afraid of you being angry, ' she said. 'Promise not to be angry, and you shall know the very truth: I hate to hide it.“啊,艾伦,我多怕你生气呀,”她说。“答应我不生气,你就可以知道实在情况了:我也不愿意瞒着你呢。”

9." papa , we are late , " said princess ellen , turning her lovely head on her statuesque shoulders as she waited at the door.“爸爸,我们准会迟到啦,”呆在门边等候的公爵小姐海伦扭转她那长在极具古典美肩膀上的俊美的头部,开口说道。

10.but I met the Countess Ellen in Madison Square, and she was good enough to let me walk home with her.在麦迪逊广场遇上了埃伦伯爵夫人,她十分客气地要我陪她回家。