


美式发音: [ˈhoʊˌboʊ] 英式发音: [ˈhəʊbəʊ]



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1.流浪的失业工人;(尤指农场)季节工人,零工a person who travels from place to place looking for work, especially on farms


n.1.someone who travels from place to place because they do not have a home or a job

1.流浪汉数独 25关 (Sudoku Original) 流浪汉大乱斗 (HOBO) 马戏团小人祖玛 (March Zuma) 训练赛狗赚钱 (Greyhound Racing Tycoon…

3.无业游民 tramp 无家无业的流浪者 hobo 流浪者 无业游民 dropout 脱离社会的人 ...

4.流浪汉悲惨人生连在垃 …

5.流动工人 不流动的 dead 流动工人 hobo 流动性 fluid ...

6.流浪汉们包款的来历却和饺子没什么关系,而是来源于欧美漫画上流浪汉们(hobo)斜挎的鼓鼓囊囊的新月形大包,由于它的容量足够大 …

7.流浪包单肩包 TOP HANDLE 手提包 HOBO 流浪包单肩包 STRAP BAG 肩带包 ...


1.But this time I just could stay for one week with you, because you could understand that I was hobo without a fixed home.这次我只能同你这个朋友呆一个星期了,因为你也理解我是一个没有固定家的游子。

2.In 1931 all the long voyages ended for him in a hobo jungle.一九三一年,他结束了长途的奔波,来到了一个流浪汉的营地上。

3.Running quickly to an old barrel, he pfted off one of the steel bands. He dashed back and handed it to the hobo.他快步跑向一个旧桶,摘下一个钢圈,急速跑回,把它交给了流浪汉。

4.He's a pttle rusty on some of 'em, but he sure ain't forgettin' any of it, said the hobo.“有些表演它有点生疏了,不过它肯定什么也没忘,”流浪汉说。

5.it has seen service as an artillery range, a hobo farm during the Depression, and a National Weather Bureau Facipty.它看起来为火炮射击场,不景气的无业游民农场和国家气象局办公署设备。

6.Hobo may be thought of as a set of cooperating extensions to Rails' model, view, and controller layers.开发者可以将Hobo看做一个Rails的模型、视图和控制器的协作扩展工具集。

7.My thick, blond hair flew back in all directions and I felt Hobo's powerful strides beneath me.我浓密的金发向后四散飘飞,我可以感觉到郝宝在我座下那有力的步伐。

8.My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old hobo put Jacky through his circus tricks.博闻广识的老流浪汉让杰基表演着马戏团的绝技,我和我兄弟们都看呆了。

9.Oversized slouched hobo silhouette with double short braided inset straps and removable fringed leather Proprietor luggage tag.超大懒散的流浪汉剪影双短辫插图肩带和可拆卸的流苏皮革业主行李标签。

10.For several moments they looked at one another. Then a huge smile came across the old hobo's face.他们俩互相瞧了一阵子,然后那老流浪汉的脸上充满笑意。