




1.名誉教授 副教授 associate professor 名誉教授 emeritus professor 客座教授 visiting professor ...

2.荣誉教授 ) a professorial lecturer 教授级讲师 ) Emeritus Professor 荣休教授;荣休讲座教授 ) chair professorship 讲席教授 ...


1.The author is an emeritus professor at Lancaster University and a senior adviser to the Tax Justice Network.本文作者为兰卡斯特大学(LancasterUniversity)名誉教授、“税收正义网”高级顾问

2.Charles Perrow, emeritus professor of sociology, Yale University, is the author of The Next Catastrophe.本文作者CharlesPerrow是耶鲁大学社会学名誉教授,《下一场灾难》(TheNextCatastrophe)一书的作者。

3.The emeritus professor of microbiology at Aberdeen University added: 'My view would be that is possibly a dangerous thing to do.这位已退休的阿伯丁大学微生物学荣誉教授又说:“我的看法是,这样做可能很危险。”

4.G. Wilson Knight, Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds, has had a long and propfic career as a critic .奈特是里兹大学名誉教授,作为一个评论家,资历颇深。

5.Honorary and emeritus Professor Lucas mathematics is title of a kind of reputation.荣誉退休卢卡斯数学教授是一种名誉称号。

6.Last month, Lewis Wolpert, emeritus professor of biology at University College London, said happiness could peak as late as 80.伦敦大学学院生物学的名誉教授路易斯•沃尔伯特上个月称,快乐感会在80岁高龄时达到顶峰。

7.managing director of the Chinese Fine Artist and Culture Association, emeritus professor of art of the New Orleans Academy of Fine Art.美国中美文化艺术交流促进理事;美国新奥尔良美术学院名誉教授。

8.John Matese, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, suspects Nemesis exists for another reason.约翰.玛提斯(JohnMatese),拉法耶特路易斯安那大学物理学荣誉教授,基于另一个理由质疑“复仇者”存在的可能性。

9.Mirrlees is emeritus Professor of Poptical Economy at the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.莫里斯是剑桥大学的名誉政治经济学教授和三一学院的研究员。

10.emeritus professor at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK.名誉在光电研究中心,南安普敦大学教授英国。