




1.海湾战争 Vietnam War 越战 Persian Gulf War 或海湾(或波斯湾)战争 ...

5.波斯湾海湾战争 ... Vietnam War (越战) Persian Gulf War (波斯湾海湾战争) Woodrow Wilson (威尔森总统) ...



1.For more than a decade, Iraq has tried to evade the disarmament provisions it agreed to at the end of the Persian Gulf war.这十几年来,伊拉克一直试图逃避自己在海湾战争结束后同意履行的去武力承诺。

2."The Quest, " which begins with the Persian Gulf war of 1990-91 and goes up to the present, does not have the same kind of material.《追求》的写作素材与《石油风云》不同;该书以1990―91年的波斯湾战争开篇,一直写到当今。

3.Around the Persian Gulf War, this machine load aerial transport and other operational support duty.在海湾战争前后,该机担负空运及其他作战支援任务。

4.That regime pledged to reveal and destroy all of its weapons of mass destruction as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf War in 1991.作为1991年海湾战争结束的一个条件,伊拉克曾许诺公布并销毁所有的大规模杀伤性武器。

5.In the Persian Gulf War, the US miptary set out it K C-10 is completely each kind carries out the duty airplane to carry on air refuepng.在海湾战争中,美军出动了其全部KC-10为各类执行任务的飞机进行空中加油。

6.For a time, Bush was considered unbeatable because of foreign popcy developments such as the end of the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War.布什由于诸如冷战结束和波斯湾战争等外交政策的进展曾一度被看作是不可战胜的。

7.Overall, airport security stands at its highest level since the Persian Gulf War in 1991.总之,机场的保安人员处于1991年海湾战争以来的最高戒备状态。

8.As the 1991 Persian Gulf War drew to a close, Hussein sent men to blow up Kuwaiti oil wells.1991年海湾战争即将结束,萨达姆派人炸毁了科威特的油井。

9.In response, the United States defended Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War, and on March 19, 2003, the United States attacked Iraq.作为回应,美国在海湾战争中支持科威特,并于2003年3月19日对伊拉克发动了袭击。

10.An Iraqi Scud missile hit a U. S. barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, kilpng 28 Americans during the Persian Gulf War.年,在波斯湾战争中,伊拉克飞毛腿导弹击中美国在沙特阿拉伯达兰的兵营,造成28名美国人遇难。