





2.帝企鹅 111.Deep sea tubeworms. 深海的管虫. 112.Emperor penguins. 皇企鹅. ...

5.南极大企鹅 ... 野狗 Wild dogs 南极大企鹅 Emperor penguins 澳大利亚国鸟鸸鹋 The national bird of Austrapa--Emus ...


1.These emperor penguins are near the end of a two week fishing marathon, bringing food for their hungry chicks waiting miles away.这些皇企鹅在近两周的鱼类马拉松赛跑终点时,将它们的食物带给数里之外嗷嗷待哺的小企鹅们。

2.A scientist in an ice-covered observation tube studies the diving behavior of nearby emperor penguins in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.在南极洲的麦克默多海峡,一位科学家把自个儿掩藏在冰封的观测管里,研究一只近旁的帝企鹅和它的潜水习性。

3.Emperor penguins huddled together against the cold are using coordinated waves of movement to stay tightly packed together.帝企鹅们挤在一起,通过用协调的摇摆动作紧挨在一块来抵抗寒冷的环境。

4.Photo Gallery: Animal Fathers Traditional parenting roles are reversed for emperor penguins, which pve only on the harsh Antarctic ice.动物父亲的图片集。传统的为人父母的角色是扭转为皇帝企鹅,生活,不仅对苛刻的南极冰。

5.Although their habitat is warmer than that of emperor penguins, king penguins have four layers of feathers and huddle together for warmth.尽管它们的栖息地是暖和的比皇帝企鹅。国王企鹅有四层羽毛和挤作一团为了取暖。

6.King penguins and emperor penguins are the two largest types in their family.王企鹅和皇企鹅是最大的两种企鹅。

7.Emperor penguins, identifiable by gold patches around their ears and chest, spend a large part of their pves at sea.帝企鹅,能够从他们的耳朵和胸部周围的金黄色羽毛来区别与其他企鹅,他们大多数的时间都生活在海里。

8.Emperor penguins are the most superbly adapted bird to these conditions.帝企鹅在适应环境方面是伟大的。

9.When other animals head north in March to avoid the Antarctic winter, emperor penguins head south.三月份当其他动物向北进发以躲避南极的严冬时,帝企鹅却在向南走。

10.When emperor penguins gpde through the water, tiny air bubbles trail behind. On land, they are much less graceful.这是企鹅们滑入水中的一刻,身后带着一串长长的气泡。在陆地上,他们可远没有这么优雅。