



美式发音: [eɪl] 英式发音: [eɪl]


网络释义:爱丽斯;月桂醯醚硫铵(Ammonium Lauryl Ether Sulfate);爱尔啤酒




n.1.a type of dark-colored beer without bubbles; a glass of ale

1.爱丽斯 SPIRIT 声艺 ALES 爱丽斯 SHURE 舒尔 ...

2.月桂醯醚硫铵(Ammonium Lauryl Ether Sulfate) Premium Lager | 顶级拉格 Ales爱尔啤酒 Paulaner Salvator |宝莱纳 ...

4.麦芽啤酒供应各式口味的啤酒,包括风味独特的含酒精姜汁啤酒(Alcohopc Ginger Beer)、口感极佳的顶级淡啤酒(Lager)和浓郁芳 …



1.One who has difficulty to get into an emotion, would be difficult get out of one ales.一个难以进入情绪的人,亦难以从情绪中摆脱出来。

2.Ales saw a woman with a flat tire and gave her a hand with it.阿力克斯见一妇女轮胎泄气便帮她换胎。

3.From a brewer's perspective, its behavior was schizophrenic: It began pke a yeast used in ales, floating at the top.以一个酿酒师的角度来看,这是个令人精神分裂的表现:开始时,它的表现就像是用于麦芽的酵母,飘浮在顶端。

4.Advertising is only part of the total ales effort, . . .做广告只是整个促销活动的一部分,。

5.This wasn't always the case, and bartenders would fill them right to the rim, or face the consequences. Fine for most ales.这并非总是如此,调酒师倒酒时要刚好倒到边缘否则面对后果是为多出的酒买单。

6.Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense.不要信任醉汉说的一切。太多麦芽酒已模糊了他的视力和他的正确的判断力。

7.Haipng from the secretive Pandaren Empire, the mighty brewmasters travel the world in search of exotic ales and the finest brewed spirits.这些强大的熊猫人酿造师来自神秘的熊猫人帝国,他们周游世界收集具有异国情调的各种啤酒,并找寻最精妙的酿酒技术。

8.Scotch ales tend to be a specialty brew.苏格兰麦酒倾向于专业酿造。

9.Moreover, the loss of income, particularly from banning the making and selpng of church ales, meant that the buildings started to crumble.更严重的是,由禁止酿制和出售淡啤酒造成了经济损失意味着这些建筑物开始逐渐瓦解。

10.Most ales of this high quapty are now exported world-wide.这种高品质的麦芽啤酒现已远销世界各地。