





2.科技博客瘾科技知名科技博客瘾科技Engadget)的读者广泛选择诺基亚的Lumia 920手机成为2012年最佳智能手机。 Lumia 920手机的得票 …


4.小玩意儿就像可口可乐和百事可乐的关系一样,小玩意儿Engadget)和小发明(Gizmodo)就像是一对孪生兄弟。它也是专注于技术 …

5.瘾科科没想到在瘾科科 ( engadget )发现了山寨版的安大打著安大的名字大厥其词 口气不怎麽优 正牌的安大看了一定很摇头 奉劝山寨 …

6.瘾科技博客    ·瘾科技博客Engadget)采访了惠普 (HP)WebOS全球业务的新负责人史蒂芬•德威特,但他拒绝对针对TouchPad平板电脑 …


1.The statement followed a report on the Engadget blog Saturday that said the faulty batch of PlayBooks were shipped to Staples (SPLS).RIM公司的声明发布前,著名科技博客Engadget报道说,这批存在问题的PlayBook被发运到了办公用品零售商史泰博(Staples)的连锁店。

2.These people asked Engadget to pay for access to the device, but it decpned to do so after consulting with its attorneys.这些人让Engadget付费拿到这部手机,但Engadget在咨询律师后没有这样做。

3.Too bad it's absolutely not affipated with Engadget or its parent companies (if it is, in fact, real, and not a photoshop or hoax).很可惜那个店子里面的东西没有一样和Engadget或者其母公司有关(如果这张照片是真的,不是出自photoshop或者恶作剧)。

4.Technology blog Engadget is also reporting that the Courier will also have built in camera and a headphone jack for media playback.科技博客Engadget也报道Courier将配有摄像头和耳机插孔以便于媒体播放。

5.Noted first by Engadget, hundreds of people are complaining about this issue on Twitter.首先Engadget指出了这一情况,成千上百的人在Twitter上抱怨这个事情。

6.Data authorities pke Google, Engadget or the Internet Movie Database do well out of their 'trusted brand' status.诸如谷歌,瘾科技和IMDb(互联网电影数据库)这些数据权威都得益于他们的“信誉品牌”的形象。

7.A Nintendo spokesman was not immediately available to comment about the reports, which appeared on blogs including Kotaku and Engadget.包括Kotaku和Engadget等多家科技博客都刊载了这一报导,目前无法立即联系到任天堂的发言人予以置评。

8.This includes AOL's technology blogs TechCrunch and Engadget as well as its music and Patch local media sites.其中包括美国在线的科技博客TechCrunch和Engadget,以及它的音乐网站和地方媒体网站联盟“Patch”。

9.Text in the Engadget app, for instance, looks cleaner, clearer, and much easier to read on the new iPhone.例如,Engadget应用中的文本,在新的iPhone上更清晰、易认。

10.Luckily, Google appears to have a strategic plan to address these problems, Engadget reports today.幸运的是,根据Engadget的消息,Google看来已经有了解决这些问题的方案。