




1.阿伯丁大学 阿斯顿大学 Aston University 阿伯丁大学 Aberdeen University 威斯敏斯特大学 University of Westminster ...

2.英国阿伯丁大学 ... University of Aberdeen 阿伯丁大学介绍 Aberdeen University 阿伯丁大学学校介 GPA 低的学生想出国如何弥 …

7.名阿伯丁大学 ... •第7名伯明翰大学 - The University of Birmingham •第8名阿伯丁大学 - Aberdeen University ...


1.The Aberdeen University study found that women's opinions of men are often based on how other females see them.英国阿伯丁大学的研究人员发现,女人对男人的印象通常被她周围的朋友所左右。

2.A system that could help reduce deaths on rural roads is to be developed by Aberdeen University scientists.一套可以降低乡村道路死亡人数的系统已经被阿伯丁大学的科学家开发出来。

3."General relativity touches our pves in many unexpected ways, " added physicist Dr Charles Wang, of Aberdeen University.“广义相对论以很多想不到的方式影响我们的生活,”阿伯丁大学物理学博士CharlesWang说。

4.Articles, reviews, expenses and support info, Aberdeen city guide, a forum for all current and prospective Aberdeen University students.文章审查费和信息支持,引导城市仔,本届论坛和所有准仔大学生。

5.Worries over decommissioning costs are starting to affect asset trading, says Alex Kemp of Aberdeen University.阿伯丁大学的AlexKemp表示,对石油禁运成本的忧虑也开始影响着石油交易。

6.She then used their close relatives, lesser spotted dogfish , for further research at Aberdeen University.之后她在阿伯丁大学对它们的近亲,猫鲨做进一步的研究。

7.The emeritus professor of microbiology at Aberdeen University added: 'My view would be that is possibly a dangerous thing to do.这位已退休的阿伯丁大学微生物学荣誉教授又说:“我的看法是,这样做可能很危险。”

8.The researchers from Aberdeen University made their discovery after comparing the DNA of people with the genetic code of birds and mice.英国阿伯丁大学的研究者们将人体的DNA与鸟类和鼠类的遗传代码进行比较之后,提出了这一发现。

9.The web site is a platform serviced for Aberdeen University MCB Graphics Room home page.该网站是阿伯丁大学分子细胞生物学系MCB图形实验室的网站。

10.Making eye contact and smipng have a similar effect, says Aberdeen University psychologist Dr Ben Jones.眼神接触与微笑有类似效果,亚伯丁大学心理学家琼斯说。