

european council

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1.欧洲理事会欧洲议会将在布鲁塞尔,将会针对气候变迁应对措施,与欧盟高峰会(European Council)和欧盟 委员会 ( European Commisio…


1.Contrary to what the European Council said, the private sector participation will be a blueprint for bail-outs that are yet to come.与欧洲理事会所说的相反,私人部门的参与会成为未来纾困的蓝图。

2.I have yet to be convinced that the European Council is capable of reaching such a substantive agreement, given its past record.鉴于欧洲理事会的过往记录,我目前还不确信它能否达成一项如此重大的协议。

3.The bad news is that the various resolutions made this week by European Council will not be enough to carry us through the current crisis.坏消息是,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCouncil)本周达成的各项决议不足以让我们度过当前的危机。

4.President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy said the doomsayers are wrong.欧盟主席范龙佩说,那些唱衰欧盟和欧元的人错了。

5.On March 27th the European Council approved the "general approach" of this directive, which includes some things the banks will not pke.月27日,欧洲议会通过了该指令的“通用方案”,银行业不会欢迎其中某些内容。

6.The European Council is a rough, swaggering sort of grouping.欧盟委员会是一个喧闹,虚张声势的组织。

7.The proposals are meant to help avoid another Greek-style crisis. They would need to be approved by EU governments in the European Council.这些提议旨在避免另一次希腊式危机的爆发,需要欧委各个欧盟成员国批准才能通过。

8.More properly, the new office-holder will be the standing president of the European Council (the body that represents national leaders).更准确地来说,新的主席将会是欧洲议会(代表各国领导人)的常务主席。

9.The Lisbon treaty created a permanent president of the European Council and a foreign-popcy supremo, leaving less scope for agenda-setting.按照《里斯本条约》的规定,欧盟推选了一位欧洲理事会长期领导和一位外交政策最高领导,“议程设置”的空间更加有限。

10.The post replaces a system in which national leaders chaired the European Council in rotation for six months at a time.这一职位取代了各国领导人每隔六个月轮流主持欧盟理事会工作的制度。