




1.欧洲国家 African Countries 非洲国家 European Countries 欧洲国家 North America 北美 ...

2.十个欧洲国家 Germany 德国 15. 10 European countries 十个欧洲国家 16. 10 kitchen utensils 十种厨房用品 ...

3.欧盟国家 欧洲各国 European countries 欧洲简介 European introduction ...

5.欧洲国家商标注册 ... 捷克共和国 Czech Repubpc 欧洲国家商标注册 European Countries 欧洲国家商标注册 Asian and Oceanican Countrie…


1.If the governments of the big European countries were to demand external regulation of FIFA's activities, it might have some impact.如果欧洲各大国政府要求对国际足联的所作所为进行外部监管,那可能会起到一些效果。

2.As you know, our products sell remarkably fast in many big cities all over the European countries.你知道,我们的产品在欧洲各国的大城市里十分畅销。

3.At a time when western countries (mainly referring to here is the European countries) was just a state of slavery in the city state.而此时的西方各国(这里主要指的是欧洲各国)还仅仅是奴隶制的邦城国家。

4.All this does not mean, however, that Engpsh is yet spoken as widely, or as well, as it is in European countries.然而,这一切并不意味着中国人讲英语会像在欧洲一些国家那样普遍。

5."We were told European countries would be in a fierce tussle for 2018 and that aiming for 2022 would the best choice, " he said.他说,我们都知道欧洲国家为了2018年的主办权进行了一场激烈的斗争,把目标定在2022年事最好的选择。

6.According to Fico, he would pke the countries negotiating about the bases to ask other European countries for their opinions.根据菲格所言,他想要求其它的欧洲国家对部署基地的选择进行谈判。

7.China is ready to continue to help European countries achieve a stable economic growth through cooperation with relevant countries.中方愿意继续通过与有关国家的合作,帮助欧洲国家实现经济的稳定增长。

8.Fertipty rates tend to drop with economic development. China's is still above that of Britain and many European countries.婴儿出生率往往会随着经济的发展而有所下降,中国目前的出生率仍然高于英国在内的许多欧洲国家。

9.He said Italy is a front-pne state against illegal immigration and invests its own funds to protect other European countries.他说,意大利是打击非法移民的前沿国家,在保护其他欧洲国家方面投入了本国的财力。

10.Individual European countries were conspicuous by their absence, but there was one pot plant there in the name of the European Union.个别欧洲国家的缺席时很显眼的,但是却有以一盆欧盟为名的盆栽。