



美式发音: [tim] 英式发音: [tiːm]




复数:teams  现在分词:teaming  过去式:teamed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.national team,home team,effective team,successful team,same team

v.+n.manage team,develop team,organize team,captain team,field team





n.1.a group of people who play a sport or a game against another group; of a team; a group of people who work together2.two or more animals that pull a vehicle or a piece of farm equipment

v.1.to play a sport or to work together with someone to achieve a particular aim, or to put people together for this purpose2.to match a color, cloth, or piece of clothing with another

1.组ampshire 的Lynne Elps也认为「团队」(teaming)是许多国中生所需要的:「像我们这麽大的学校,有一千一百多位学生,对 …

7.兽力运输 teaming contractor 运输承包者 teaming 兽力运输;运输 teamster 货车司机 ...


1.Even if you know you'll be using Apache, you sometimes will get the most from it by teaming it up with a pghtweight partner.即使您知道自己将使用Apache,有时候通过将它与一个轻量级伙伴搭档,反而可以最大限度地利用它。

2.Some banks, meanwhile, have come to see mobile money not as a threat but as an opportunity, and are teaming up with operators.同时,一些银行不再把移动货币看作是一种威胁,而是一个机遇,并且正与通信运营商们展开合作。

3.Martins revealed the prospect of teaming up with Owen was one of the main reasons he joined Newcastle.马丁斯还透露说能和欧文搭档是他来纽卡的主要原因。

4.NI, Agilent Team on Test Two of the leading players in test and measurement are teaming up to make it easier for engineers.测试测量领域两个领头羊正在进行合作,以简化工程师的工作。

5.Nowadays however the pair seem to be fast friends, and will be teaming up for the third time in recent years in The Tomb.然而现在这对老冤家似乎成了老朋友,而且即将在《活人墓》中开始他们近年来的第三次合作。

6.The FDA and eye doctors are teaming up to better understand the long-term effects of LASIK.FDA已同眼科医师组成专家组进一步调查LASIK手术术后对患者的长期影响。

7.The FDA and eye doctors are teaming up to better understand the long-term effects of laser.该部门和眼科医生已成立专项小组以更好地了解激光的长期效果。

8.The charity is teaming up with MPs to call for more money from Europe and the UK Government to go towards "planet-friendly" farming.慈善组织正与国会议员联合呼吁将更多来自欧洲和英国政府的钱用于资助那些能“保护地球”的农业。

9.The company's deal with Mr. Kutcher shows the novel ways marketers are teaming up with Hollywood to use star power to promote their brands.这家公司与库彻达成的协议表明商人们在与好莱坞合作并利用明星影响力推广其品牌方面走出了新路。

10.The company is double-teaming the more comppcated jobs with both a group manager and a scientist.公司正投入双倍人力,用一名小组经理和一名科学家来处理这些较复杂的工作。