




1.每件事情都有两面 Opponent debaters 对方辩友 Everything has two sides 每件事情都有两面 Benefits are more than disadvance. 利大于弊 ...

2.任何事物都具有两面性 bring a lot of benefits 带来很多益处 everything has two sides 任何事物都具有两面性 ...

3.事物都有两面性 ... 3. Everything is good for something. 是东西都有用处。 4. Everything has two sides. 事物都有两面

4.事物总是一分为二 权衡利弊 weigh up the pros and cons 事物总是一分为二 everything has two sides ...

5.每件事都有两面性 ... 侵犯 Invasion,violation of 每件事都有两面性 Everything has two sides 伤感 Sad,sadness ...

6.每件是都有两面性 ... 659. 每件是都有两面性everything has two sides. 660. 最后我们达成了一致。 we have agreed at last. ...

7.每个问题都有两面 ... 2.网络是一把双刃剑 Network is a sword with two edges. 3.每个问题都有两面 Everything has two sides. ...


1.Everything has two sides. it is difficult to say staying single is happy or not. it depends on what situation you are.每一件事都有它的两面性。很难说单身到底快乐与否。这得取决于你处于什么样。

2.Everything has two sides and examinations is no exception. It has advantages and disadvantages.任何事情都有两面性,考试也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

3.However, just as everything has two sides, . . . also has many disadvantages.但是,正如每个事物都有其两面性一样,……也有很多缺点。

4.But you know as well as I do that everything has two sides.但你应该知道尽管如此,任何事物都具有两面性。

5.Everything has two sides just pke a coin: and entertainment is no exception.一切就像一个硬币有两面,文娱也不例外。

6.Everything has two sides, pro and boss and employee, the implementation of pro-and-style management is no exception.任何事物都有两面性,老板与员工亲和,实施亲和式管理也不例外。

7.However, everything has two sides. The multimedia Engpsh teaching is no exception.然而任何事物都有利弊两个方面,运用多媒体的大学英语教学也不例外。

8.But everything has two sides and the Internet is not an exception, it has both merits and demerits.但任何事物都是两面的,因特网也不例外,它也有有利和不利的方面。

9.However , "Everything has two sides '. the same was the case with cars. "然而,“任何事情都有两面性”。汽车也不例外。

10.Everything has two sides and _is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.不论什么事物都是有两面性,…也不例外它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。