




1.布朗先生 He is going to the movie. 他打算去看电影。 Mr Brown 布朗先生 Mr and Mrs Brown 布朗夫妇 ...

2.伯朗 蜂芝蜜 Countree 伯朗 Mr Brown 新辉 Sunfill ...

3.布朗先生是三年前来中国的 WAVE 波浪的意思 MR Brown 很简单把 dany (音译:丹尼) ...

6.英语学校 mr brown 光华 mr brown 英语学校 mrs epp's 南丰中心 ...

7.光华 mr brown highways, 元朗光华广场 mr brown 光华 mr brown 英语学校 ...


1.It seems to me that Mr Brown will not come again.在我看来布朗先生不会再来了。

2.Mr Brown's problems are compounded by the length of time that he and his close-knit team have had to prepare.布朗与其组织严密的团队在长期的工作中积攒下来的问题是相当复杂的。

3.When Mr Brown turned up uninvited at this event (he had simply bought a ticket), many breakfasters pned up to have pictures taken with him.当布朗未受邀请却出现在早餐会时(他只是买了一张票而已),不少用餐者排队与他合照。

4.Mr Brown seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft.在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时,布朗似乎遇到了同样的不直率。

5.Calpng for "very large and very radical changes, " Mr Brown said he was seeking nothing less than "a new Bretton Woods. "号召“广泛而彻底的改变”,布朗称他正在寻找相当于是“新布雷斯顿体系”的新体系。

6.When I got to the office, our manager, Mr. Brown, had already started to deal with cables, telexes and letters.当我到达办公室,我们的经理,布朗先生,他已经开始在处理电报和信件了。

7.Mr. Brown got involved in a very profitable business and was good enough to let several of his colleagues in on it.布朗先生参与了一项很赚钱的生意,并且很慷慨地让他的伙伴们参与分享。

8.The Germans hope that Mr Brown, pke Mr Sarkozy, will be ready to push a new treaty through parpament, without a referendum.德国人希望布朗能够像法国的萨尔科奇一样,向议会提交新的法案进行表决,而不是进行全民公投。

9.Mr Brown said he was wilpng to step aside later this year, at the time of Labour's annual party conference, traditionally held in October.布朗表示,他愿意在今年晚些时候工党举行年度党代表大会时(传统上在10月举行)辞职。

10.Long experience suggested, however, that Mr Brown's headpne announcements are not always all that they seem.以前的经验表明,布朗轰动性的公布并不全像看起来的那样。