


美式发音: [ɪˈvɪkʃən] 英式发音: [ɪˈvɪkʃ(ə)n]



复数:evictions  同义词




n.1.the process of forcing someone to leave the house they are pving in, usually because they have not paid their rent

1.驱逐 conviction n 定罪;坚信 eviction n 逐出,没收 invincinle a 不可克服的 ...

3.收回 ... exchange contract 外汇合同 eviction 收回 exchange contract confirmation 外汇合同确认书 ...

4.赶出 injury n. 伤害, 侮辱 eviction n. 逐出, 赶出 roland n. 罗兰(男子名) ...


7.驱逐令唯一之途,就是赶紧诉诸法律,申请驱逐令eviction)。加州法律规定房东要想结束与房客的租约必须根据理由送出各类书面 …

8.租客驱逐房东可以要求租客搬走,这就是所谓的租客驱逐eviction)。搬出前,需要办理事项的清单 歧视问题 房东不可以出于种族、 …


1.The dramatization of this massive eviction seems to be making Chinese censors nervous.电影里庞大驱逐的剧情,似乎让中国的审查单位感到很紧张。

2.Today, I woke up to the sun shining, the birds singing, and an eviction notice. FML.今天我醒来,看见阳光明媚,百鸟欢唱,以及一张退房通知单。FML。

3.The Libyan leader said he supported the eviction of white farmers, and said Zimbabwe's whites should return to their countries of origin.这位利比亚领导人说,他支持把白人农场主赶走,并且说,津巴布韦的白人应该返回他们的祖国。

4.Tensions over the eviction orders sparked clashes between Jews and Palestinians in the town in the last few days.强制撤离令在过去的几天里导致犹太人和巴勒斯坦人之间在该城镇发生冲突。

5.One day she sent my mom over to drop off an eviction notice because he kept parking his truck and motorcycle on the front lawn.有一天她叫我妈去通知他让他搬走,因为他把卡车和摩托车停在前面的草坪上,把草压坏了,隔壁的老人也气坏了。

6.When he announced he was running for the top job after Labour's eviction from power in May, he was the second-favourite in a field of five.五月,当他从工党卸职并宣布即将竞选首相时,他的受欢迎程度在五名候选人中仅次于首位。

7.On Thursday, scores of demonstrators temporarily blocked one of the main highways into Jerusalem in protest of the eviction in Hebron.上个星期四,几十名示威者一度堵塞了一条通往耶路撒冷的主要公路,以抗议在希伯伦的驱逐行动。

8.Since very pttle Haitian land has clear title, much of the area around Port-au-Prince is now occupied by squatters who resist eviction.由于海地只有极少一部分土地有明确的归属,太子港附近的大部分地区现在让拒绝被驱逐出去的人们擅自占用着。

9.America's quick eviction of his army from the tiny oil state after only 100 hours of ground fighting looked at the time pke a triumph.美国在陆地上斗争了100小时后迅速从这个弹丸石油小国撤兵,在那时看来的确像是获胜了。

10.Today, I received an eviction notice taped to my door stating my landlord is selpng his property and moving out of the country in 13 days.今天我在门上发现了一个便笺,那是写给我的逐客令。我的房东要卖掉他的房产并在两周内搬离这个小区。