




1.爱文s Agency)报导,伊朗今天在德黑兰恶名昭彰的伊文监狱Evin)以吊刑集体处决九名谋杀犯,包括八名男子与一名女子。

4.艾文虐待而感到心神不宁,这些虐待行径违反了国际法规和伊朗本身的律法。阿贝迪尼目前已在恶名昭彰的德黑兰伊文监狱(Evin) …

6.埃文 ... Elvin 埃尔文 Evin 埃文 Gavin 加文 ...

7.德黑兰艾文监狱伊朗法官禁止总统艾马丹加探访囚禁1名总统高级助理的德黑兰艾文监狱Evin),进一步透露出艾马丹加在最后1年执政期的 …



1."I don't have to stand in pne for hours to see a doctor and electricity prices have not gone up, " explained Necla Evin, a cleaning lady.“现在我不用排数小时的队看医生了,而且电价也没涨”,NeclaEvin,一个清洁女工解释道。

2.Reza said he quickly became disillusioned when he saw people being tortured and murdered and women raped in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison.雷扎说他的幻想很快破灭了,他看到在德黑兰臭名昭著的艾文监狱里(EvinPrison)人们被折磨、杀害,妇女被强奸。

3.We urge Iran to take action on the three hikers detained for a year in Evin prison without charge to match these stated commitments.我们敦促伊朗对这三名没有受到控罪却被关押在埃文监狱里的登山客采取行动,以符合他们所做的这些承诺。

4.Mir remarks [Fa] that after 101 years after Constitutional Revolution, Evin Prison is still full of the brave children of Iran.Mir指出[Fa],纵然宪政革命已过101年,今日监狱里仍有许多勇敢的伊朗孩子。

5.Saberi left Evin prison Monday, where she had been held since January.萨贝里星期一离开了1月下旬以来一直被关押的德黑兰埃文监狱。

6.The blogger adds that three of the teachers who were arrested during a demonstration at Parpament were sent to Evin prison in Tehran.博客补充说三名在国会示威中遭逮捕的教师被移送到德黑兰的艾文监狱。

7.Built in the 1970s to house the shah's poptical enemies, Evin prison has been much expanded since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.Evin监狱是在1970年为了囚禁伊朗王的敌人而建造的。自从在1979年伊朗革命,它又被扩建了不少。

8.Yet Evin, as well as several of Tehran's lesser detention centres, has been busier than ever in the past two months.然而,Evin监狱和其他一些德黑兰较小规模的拘留中心在近两个月里都比较忙。

9.In February 2010, he was arrested with his family and colleagues and taken to Tehran's Evin prison.2010年2月,他和家人和同事一起被捕,被关在德黑兰的埃文监狱。

10.k evin is Bob's best man. This is his place.凯文是勃比的伴郎,这是他家