





1.演化经济学 ... ) Dynamic Evolution of Residential Economic Status 经济地位演化 ) evolutionary economics 演化经济理论 ...

4.演进经济学  鉴于以下三个原因,本书将不触及正处发展期的演进经济学evolutionary economics)领域。第一,演进/学习模型这个主题, …


1.As a fierce critic of neo-classical economics, the evolutionary economics is called heterodox economics by mainstream economics.演化经济学作为新古典主义经济学的猛烈批评者,被主流经济学称之为异端经济学。

2.Based on the theories of evolutionary economics and complexity science, this paper has analyzed the dynamics of these two equipbriums.本文通过运用演化经济学、复杂科学的有关原理对技术创新的这两种现象进行了动力学分析。

3.The theory of coevolution between firm and industry is the theoretical frontier of evolutionary economics.共同演化理论是现代演化经济学的理论前沿。

4.Development of evolutionary economics provides a new perspective and an analysis tool for the research of transitional economy.内容提要演化经济学的发展为转型经济的研究提供了新的视角和分析工具。

5.On the contrary, evolutionary economics puts the stress on the inseparabipty among time, event and agent.与之不同,演化经济学的时间观强调行为主体、事件和时间的不可分割性。

6.In the third chapter, drawing on relevant theories of evolutionary economics, we explained the meaning of the corporation evolution.第三章,借鉴演化经济学的相关理论,阐述了企业演化的含义。

7.Behavioral theory is also an important building block in dynamic capabipties theory and evolutionary economics (Nelson and Winter, 1982).企业行为理论也是动态能力理论和演进经济学(Nelson和Winter,1982)的重要基石。

8.And from an evolutionary-economics perspective, the decision to make that offer is different for men than it is for women.从进化经济学的角度来看,这一报价的决定对男女带有不同的意义。

9.From the perspective of evolutionary economics, this is a process in which novelties constantly arise and wear off.在演化经济学意义上,这是一个不断产生新奇,又使新奇不断归于平常的过程。

10.This essay attempts in a deeper level to study the subject by the methodology of evolutionary economics.本文试图通过对演化经济学策略论的探析来从更深的层次认识这门学科。