




1.优秀奖 ... 一等奖 first prize 优异奖 excellence award;merit award 中奖 a successful gamble;to win a prize ...

4.优秀企业奖乐佛山工厂成为国内首家荣获日本JIPM协会TPM“优秀企业奖”(Excellence Award)的利乐生产厂,标志着佛山利乐厂真正达 …

5.杰出奖奖者和一个组织获奖者外,其他类别奖项均分别设立一个杰出奖Excellence Award)和若干个荣誉奖(Honor Award)。

6.卓越设计奖院363个选送项目中脱颖而出,荣获今年亚洲医院管理奖银奖Excellence Award)。


1.The problems in summer camp are also meaningful to Pilot Project and Teaching Excellence Award.夏令营当中发现的问题对基金会的领航计划以及杰出教师奖都有着一定的借鉴意义。

2."Won the Leadership and Excellence Award in 2007 for outstanding achievements during my project management role. "“在我出任项目经理期间由于出色的成就获得了2007年的‘优秀领导奖’”。

3.Three-minute animated short film contest Olympic Excellence Award.三分钟奥运短片大赛。优秀动画奖。《奥运狂想曲》。

4.One year, for instance, we got the great news that one of our products had won PC Magazine's Technical Excellence Award.例如有一年,好消息从天而降——我们的一款产品赢得了《个人电脑》杂志(PCMagazine)的技术卓越奖。

5.These firms are recipients of the IDC SMB Excellence Award.这些公司获得了IDC中小企业卓越奖。

6.Yuan Goangming's About Way Back Home got excellence award for experimental video of Golden Harvest Awards.袁广鸣《关于回家的路上》获得“金穗奖”优等实验录像带奖。

7.Xiao Yaquan's Two and One-sixth got excellence award for experimental video of Golden Harvest Awards.萧雅全《二又六分之一》获得“金穗奖”最佳实验片录像带奖。

8.Yaser has been nominated for the Student Union Teaching Excellence Award in Winter 2010.在2010年冬天Yaser被提名入围学生会优秀教学奖。

9.On Nov. 15, 2010, the 2010 Fudan Management Excellence Award Ceremony was held in Xiamen University. Mr.2010年11月15日,2010年度“复旦管理学杰出贡献奖”颁奖典礼在厦门大学举行。

10.Beijing High Quapty Appraisal Committee Issues The Excellence Award of Beijing Construction and Decoration北京优质工程评审委员会办发北京建筑装饰优质工程奖