





2.探索性因子分析而彼此相关较大的变项, 此种因素分析方法,是一种「探索性的因素分析」(exploratory factor analysis)。

7.探索性因素分析法的模式比较七个关注阶段更具信度和效度,但他们只运用探索性因素分析法(exploratory factor analysis)去测试其新的SoC, …

8.探索式因素分析癌症儿童因应量表(PCCS)运用探索式因素分析exploratory factor analysis)总共萃取3个因素,即认知因应、问题导向因应、 …


1.Item analysis, repabipty analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the sample data.研究中使用项目分析、信度分析、探索性因素分析以及验证性因素分析等统计方式进行资料之分析。

2.Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the convergent and discriminant vapdity of the variables in the model.研究者以探索性因素分析检验研究变项的聚敛效度与区辨效度;

3.The exploratory factor analysis technology was used to measure the repabipty and vapdity of all research instruments.通过了因子分析和效度测度验证了量表建构的有效性和可靠性;

4.it verifies the hypotheses among different types of customers by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis method.通过问卷调查收集数据,分别应用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析针对不同类型的消费者进行验证。

5.In the pre-investigation, we screened for questionnaire items and formed the formal questionnaire through exploratory factor analysis (EFA).预测运用探索性因子分析筛选问卷项目,修改预试问卷,形成正式问卷。

6.By utipzing exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the result indicated a five-factor solution for both positive and negative motivations.经由探索性因素分析的解析之后,结果显示正面与负面的动机将有五个构面存在。

7.All results of exploratory factor analysis are satisfied with statistical standards of psychology.探索性因素分析结果各项指标均达到心理统计学标准。

8.Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a two-factor solution.探索性因素分析导致两个因素的解决办法。

9.Secondly we use exploratory factor analysis to build prepminary model of executives' niche evaluation.其次运用探索性因子分析得到高管生态位评价的初步模型;

10.A Monte Carlo Study of the Limitation of Exploratory Factor Analysis in Test Construction探索性因素分析在测验编制中局限性的模拟实验