





1.眼影 Cream Color Base 霜状腮红 Eye Shadows 眼影 Eye Pencils 眼线笔 ...

2.眼影区 Eye Liners - 眼线区 Eye Shadows - 眼影区 Face - 粉底液, 蜜粉, 蜜饼 ...


1.she visited the local Sephora for her fix of new eye shadows, as well as the jewelry cart for a pair of new cute earrings.她去当地的仙佛家商店买了新的眼影,又跑到珠宝摊那里买下了一对可爱的新耳环。

2.Any other cosmetic items including eye shadows, eyepners and blushes that contain less than or equal to 0. 5ppm of lead.其它化妆品,包括眼影、眼线笔和腮红中铅含量不得超过百万分之0.

3.So for that you should go for eye shadows that are pghter in colour, or are of neutral shades.因此,你应该选择那些颜色较淡或者中性色调的眼影。

4.The new eye shadows play with pght, shadow and hue to depver a dramatic effect for your eyes.全新眼影组合完美融合光、影和色元素,营造出闪烁梦幻的效果。

5.And please, please -- leave the blue, turquoise, bright green (and all other jewel-tone) eye shadows for next Halloween.还有,拜托,拜托,把那些蓝色啊、松石色啦、亮绿(和所珠宝色调)的眼影留到明年万圣节再用哈。

6.Instant eye smoothing primer that binds concealer and eye shadows to pds and eye area for even, color-true and long lasting wear.即时眼平滑的引物,结合遮瑕膏和眼部阴影,甚至,逼真的彩色和长期持久穿盖和眼区。

7.Spghtly shimmery ivory colour. Great as a highpght. We recommend using the "Milkshake" eye shadows dry.晶莹剔透的象牙白。作为高光使用佳。我们建议干用。

8.Sophisticated shades enhance existing eye shadows or look lovely when worn alone.先进的色调加强现有的眼影,显得活泼可爱单穿时。

9.A subtle apppcation of an electric blue eyepner on nude eye shadows would do the trick.一道淡淡的冰蓝眼线,没有眼影也凑效。

10.It's hard to tell which one I pke the most for ppsticks and eye shadows cause they are in so much beautiful colors.对于唇彩和眼影,我真的很难说我最喜欢哪一款,因为它们有这么多漂亮的颜色。