


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ef'ei:'es]

abbr.【商】同“free alongside ship”


英文单词:船边交货(Free Alongside Ship);脂肪酸合成酶(fatty acid synthase);火灾报警系统(Fire Alarm System)


abbr.1.【商】同“free alongside ship”2.(=Federation of Amrican Scientists)美国科学家联合会


abbr.1.[Business]Same as free alongside ship2.(=Federation of Amrican Scientists)

n.1.The plural of fa

1.船边交货(Free Alongside Ship) FCA 货交承运人 FAS 船边交货 FOB 船上交货 ...

2.脂肪酸合成酶(fatty acid synthase)鹅脂肪酸合成酶FAS)基因SNP与肥肝性能的关联研究张磊 【摘要】: 本研究以124只朗德鹅为试验材料,以脂肪酸合成酶(fat…

3.火灾报警系统(Fire Alarm System)2.0.5 火灾报警系统FAS) fire alarm system 由火灾探测系统、火灾自动报警及消防联动系统和自动灭火系统等部分组成,实 …

4.火灾自动报警系统地铁火灾自动报警系统(FAS)的管理与维护 罗红萍,Luo Hongping 中庭式地下车站的疏散和火灾安全分析 黎锦雄,王益群,黄 …

5.装运港船边交货装运港船边交货FAs):卖方在装运港买方指派船只的船边交货。如果买方的船只不能靠岸,卖方要用驳船将货物运到船边, …

6.消防自动化系统(Fire Automation System)其又包括消防自动化系统FAS) 、安全防范自动化系统(SAS) 。 建筑设备监控系统主要有环境设备监控系统和能源设备监 …


1.FAS has been documented around the world and is usually linked to a stroke or traumatic brain injury.世界各地都曾出现过外国口音综合症患者,通常情况下这和中风或脑部损伤有关。

2.In addition to their anti-oxidant capability, we suggested that the inhibitory capacity on FAS was one of their health protected mechanisms.除了它们的抗氧化能力外,我们提出抑制FAS也可能是它们的保健机理之一。

3.Thus we regarded that resveratrol was one of the main active components in GKEs on inhibiting FAS.我们认为白藜芦醇是葡萄皮提取物中抑制FAS的主要成分之一。

4.But for Butler, who has grown fond of her strange accent, FAS has given her a new identity she now embraces.但对于巴特勒来说,她渐渐喜欢上她的奇异的语音了,外国语音综合症给了她全新的身份,她欣然接受。

5.The interaction of Fas and its ligand is one of the main pathways that induce cell apoptosis.其与配体相互作用是诱导细胞凋亡的主要途径之一。

6.For this inquiry, the buyers will arrange shipping and insurance, therefore, the price to be quoted should be on FAS basis.关于这份询价,运输及保险事宜由买方办理。因此报价应为FAS价格。

7.One of these highly evolved cancer genes makes a protein called fatty acid synthase (FAS).这些高度演化的癌症基因当中,有个基因会制造脂肪酸合成酶。

8.The FAS surface modification does not influence the optical properties of the coating, but improve its hydrophobicity remarkably.氟硅烷自组装改性不影响二氧化硅增透膜的光学性能。

9.As fas I'm concerned, I'm satisfied with my performance. I try to work well during the week, get in top shape and always be ready.至于我个人表现,我还是满意的,自己在训练中一直试着做好,时刻以最佳的状态准备着。

10.Computer Rules & Responsibilities. The policies to which you must adhere when using your FAS account.计算机规则与责任,当你使用你的FAS账户时必须遵守的规则。