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英文单词:电化学阻抗谱(electrochemical impedance spectroscopy);企业信息系统(Enterprise Information System);经理信息系统(Executive Information System)



abbr.1.environmental impact statement

1.电化学阻抗谱(electrochemical impedance spectroscopy)从电化学阻抗谱EIS)到循环及微分伏安,我们的仪器提供多重的电化学技术。我们将秉承普林斯顿应用研究50多年来精神, …

2.企业信息系统(Enterprise Information System)与企业信息系统EIS)协同工作-- J2EE 规范包含 J2EE 连接器体系结构,该体系结构用于实现适配器以访问企业信息系统(EI…

3.经理信息系统(Executive Information System)3.经理信息系统(EIS)除具有信息提取方便,及提供关键成功因素的企业内外部信息等特点外还能( ).A.自动识别例外情况 B.自动进 …

4.执行信息系统执行信息系统EIS)为控制部门提供了一个软件方案,它能从企业的各个不同部分收集数据,再进行加工汇总使之成为可眼务 …



1.As such, the Court held that the issue was not properly before them since the case was not brought as a challenge to any particular EIS.最高法院认为,如果是这样,该问题不当,因为本案例并没有起诉任何一个具体的“环境影响报告书”。

2.First, the Court indicated in dicta that this consideration could be made as part of the issuance of the individual EIS governing each site.首先,法院在法官的意见中表明,这种考虑可以作为颁布涉及每个矿场的单个“环境影响报告书”的一部分。

3.Synchronizing data among two or more heterogeneous enterprise information systems (EIS).两个或更多异构的企业信息系统(EIS)之间的数据同步。

4.SDO is not just a specification. You can already find tools that leverage SDO technology to access a heterogeneous EIS.SDO不仅仅是一个规范,您可能已经发现了有一些工具利用了SDO技术来访问异构的EIS。

5.Since your company likely depends on at least one EIS, you can easily turn its applications into services.由于您的公司很可能依赖于一个以上EIS,因此可以很容易地将其应用程序转变为服务。

6.In the case of my example, the two EISs and their corresponding resource adapters have different transaction support levels.在我的示例中,两个EIS和它们对应的资源适配器有不同的事务支持级别。

7.USDA's EIS claims that organic consumers do not care about GE contamination of their food, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.美国农业部的EIS称有机食品的消费者不用担心基因工程对他们食物的污染,尽管大量的事实与此相反。

8.Since it is using an import, your module accesses the EIS as it would any other service.由于您的模块在使用导入,所以它可以像访问其他任何服务一样访问EIS。

9.Which one of the following statements would NOT apply to executive information systems (EIS)?其中下列情形之一的声明将不适用,以执行信息系统(EIS的)?

10.Conventional CDC wisdom held that headquarters offered the best EIS assignments. Atlanta made personal sense as well.传统的疾病预防控制的智慧认为总部能提供最好的经理信息系统的作业。