


美式发音: [ˌef si: 'əʊ] 英式发音: [ˌef si: 'əʊ]


英文单词:罗马;英国外交和联邦事务部(Foreign and Commonwealth Office);外交及联邦事务部



1.外交和联邦事务部Foreign and Commonwealth Office

abbr.1.Foreign and Commonwealth Office

1.罗马 罗安达( LAD) 罗马( FCO) 洛杉矶( LAX) ...

2.英国外交和联邦事务部(Foreign and Commonwealth Office)的安全与反恐办公室主要负责“预防战略”。外交与联邦事务部(FCO)继续负责在对英国威胁最大的海外地区开展反意识形态和 …


1.The Foreign and Commonwealth Office is being treated as a trade promotion ministry and diplomats are to be replaced by businessmen.英国外交部(FCO)眼下被当成了贸易促进部,商人将取代外交官。

2.Sir Michael believes the FCO is managed far better than it was a decade ago, although the transformation is not yet complete.迈克尔爵士认为,英国外交部的管理比10年前好了很多,不过改革还没有完成。

3.When Ashridge began working for the FCO it conducted an analysis of training needs, which fed into a review of skills.刚开始为英国外交部工作时,阿什里奇管理学院对培训需求进行了分析,分析报告最终纳入技能评估之中。

4.The FCO and UK Embassies and High Commissions overseas are asked to help with the arrangements for such visits .英国外交与联邦事务部、英国驻外国大使馆及海外特派使团会应要求为其安排此类的访问。

5.A data clock output (DCO) for capturing data on the output and a frame clock output (FCO) for signaling a new output byte are provided.它提供一个数据时钟输出(DCO)用于在输出端捕捉数据以及一个帧时钟输出(FCO)用于发送新输出字节信号。

6.Aim To validate spectrum analysis of oxalyl fluoride neutral molecule (FCO) and study vibrational mode of the two configuration.目的为了验证草酰氟中性分子(FCO)2光谱分析的结果和进一步研究2种构像的振动模式。

7.Both exercises informed changes to the recruitment process, says Gerry Reffo, head of learning and development at the FCO.英国外交部学习与发展部门负责人格里•雷福(GerryReffo)表示,两方面的实践都揭示了招募过程的改变。

8.FCo you once studied drum , percussive instruments or other musical instruments? Did you get any idea from them?你学过架子鼓,打击乐器或其他之类的乐器吗?你是不是从这些乐器里获得创意的?

9.Looking at the FCO as an outsider, Ms Wark says the government department has undergone huge cultural change.以局外人的身份来看英国外交部,沃克表示,这个政府部门经历了巨大的文化变革。

10.The contract, about which the FCO declined to elaborate further, also mentions "surveillance" and "data collection" services.外交联邦部拒绝进一步透露的合约还提到了“监视”和“收集数据”服务。