


网络释义:甲酸脱氢酶;自由处置模式(Free Disposal Hull);甲酸脱氢酶基因


1.甲酸脱氢酶ontext-dependent 模型 可自由处 FDH(free disposal hull) 置壳模型 成本效率 Cost efficiency 模型 收入效率 Revenue efficienc...

3.甲酸脱氢酶基因扩增得到(R伏)-专一性拨基还原酶基因(rcr)和甲酸脱氢酶基因(fdh),克隆到共表达载体pETDuetTM-1中进行表达.共表达质粒 pE…

4.腓特烈港(Friedrichshafen)腓特烈港(fdh)卡尔斯鲁厄/巴登巴登(fkb) 梅明根阿尔高(fmm) 明斯特奥斯纳布吕克(fmo) 法兰克福(fra) 威斯特兰/叙尔特(gwt) 汉 …

5.腓特烈港机场腓特烈港机场(FDH) 60km Hohenems Airport(HOH) 75km 圣加仑阿尔腾莱茵机场(ACH) 72km 梅明根(Memmingen) 照片: Abröl…

6.凸包固 定方向凸包FDH)。FDH是一种特殊的凸包(convex hull),它继承了凸包紧密性的优点,同时FDH也可以看作是AABB …


1.What should an FDH do if the employer requires him her to clean his house which is not the one specified in our employment contract?假如雇主要求外佣清洁房子,但却不是雇佣合约上载明的地址,外佣应怎样做?

2.The employer should not require or allow the FDH to carry out any work for any other person.雇主亦不得要求或容许佣工为任何其他人士担任任何工作。

3.Since my parents have no income inadequate assets , can I enter into a contract with an FDH to work in my parents home ?由于父母没有收入足够资产,我可否与外佣订立合约,在我的父母家工作?。

4.However, the FDH has no contractual obpgation to take care of the sick at a hospital on a long-term basis.然而,外佣并无合约责任长期照顾在医院的病人。

5.In general, it is permissible for your FDH to visit your mother in the hospital, bringing daily necessities to her as required.一般来说,你吩咐外佣带所需的日用品到医院探望母亲是可以的。

6.My FDH is employed to take care of my elderly parent who needs constant care and is now staying full-time in an elderly home.我聘用外佣照顾全时间在安老院居住并需经常照顾的年长父母。

7.Moreover, the relevant employer and FDH may be prohibited from employing FDH and working as FDH respectively for a period of time.此外,在一段时间内,有关雇主可能不会获准再聘用佣工,而有关佣工亦可能不会获准担任佣工。

8.Must FDH employment contracts be notarized by corresponding consulates before Immigration Department approve FDH employment visas?入境处批出雇佣工作签证给佣工前,其雇佣合约是否须经由有关的领事馆公证作实?

9.My FDH is required to serve my guests besides preparing refreshment , beverages and food .我的外佣除了要准备茶点、饮品和食物外,还要招呼客人。

10.Formate dehydrogenase (FDH) is an abundant enzyme which is present widely in plants.甲酸脱氢酶(FDH)是植物中普遍存在的一种含量丰富的酶。