


网络释义:农民田间学校(farmer field school);快闪存储器档案系统(Flash File System);文件系统


1.农民田间学校(farmer field school)

3.文件系统闪存文件系统FFS)不仅提供了根据文件名查找和访问文件,使得有限的存储空间得到合理和充分利用,而且还提供基于存储 …


1.that do not yet exist. A node that appears on the FFS before being implemented is called unreapzed.我们将出现在FFS上还没有实现的节点称作未实现(节点)。

2.Users are more pkely to interact with the FFS portion of the file system, which regulates file and directory access.用户更多时候像是在与文件系统的FFS部分进行交互,后者控制着文件和目录的访问。

3.Fraudulent financial statements(FFS) had disturbed the regular economic order, and led to credit crisis in the market.会计信息失真问题已经严重影响了正常的经济运行秩序,动摇了市场运行的诚信基础。

4.GIRLS improved on the FFS facipties, enabpng users to collect data and easily code reports on a recurring basis.GIRLS在FFS设备基础上得到了改进,允许用户经常性地收集数据并轻松编码报告。

5.High-FFs keep their ambitions either low or -- as a mask for their insecurities -- extraordinarily high.作为一个不安全感的面具,High-FFs让他们的野心要么很低,要么高得出奇。----罗伯特.凯尔西

6.ffs, quotas, and other regulations used by one country to discourage the importation of certain goods.一个国家为阻碍某些产品的进口所采用的关税、配额和其他规定。

7.These concepts evolved from the FFS work, but they first found organized expression in IDS.这些概念从FFS工作演化而来,但是其有组织表达是在IDS中首次找到的。

8.Users also find that bags made on the FFS costs half as much as paper valve sacks.用户还发现,书包上取得的农民田间学校费用一半纸阀口袋。

9.For High-FFs, other people are a problem.对High-FFs的人来说,别人是个麻烦事儿。

10.It's the challenging but achievable career choices (such as joining the professions) that are avoided by High-FFs.这是一种挑战,但也是可实现的职业选择(例如加入自由职业),避免High-FFs。