

cash card

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1.现金卡;自动取款卡a plastic card used to get money from a cash machine (= a machine in or outside a bank)


n.1.an atm card

1.自动提款卡 cashless society 无现金社会 cash-card 自动提款卡 Euroland 欧元区3 ...

2.储值卡  买车之后,购车者在新车出门之前,经销商还会为每辆新车装上一个车载读卡器(In-vehicle-unit),插进储值卡(cash-card)。这 …


1.Cash card The card allows you to take money out of your account using a bank machine.现金卡你可以用此卡从银行取款机上取出你帐上的钱。

2.It is extremely easy to get credit card or cash card, which however, makes you in deep debt .现今社会,信用卡、现金卡唾手可得,这两件东西就足以令你债台高筑。

3.You want to withdraw some money while in a foreign country. Explain a problem with your cash card in a bank. Learn basic banking vocabulary.当你在国外时,你取款。在银行中说明你的现金卡遇到的问题。学习基本的银行用语。

4.She had visited his home the same day and was filmed withdrawing money using his cash card.当天木岛曾来过他家,并且在用他的自动取款卡提款时被拍了下来。

5.The card is not equal to the cash card. Don't change it into cash. During the promotion period, the card -holder can't enjoy multi-discount.此卡不能等同于现金卡所以无法兑换现金。在促销期间持有者不能享受多重折扣。

6.A credit card also differs from a cash card, which can be used pke currency by the owner of the card.信用卡跟可被用作货币的现金卡也不太一样。

7.Cash card are electronic currency that, in theory, could epminate the need to carry bills and coins altogether.现金卡是理论上可以省去携带钞票和硬币麻烦的电子货币。

8.Now that the cash card issue is resolved, you can be confident everybody on the team can get paid.现在现金卡的问题已经解决,你可以确保团队中的每个成员能够获得报酬。

9.don ' t put credit card , cash card together with your id card.信用卡、提款卡不要同身份证等放在一起。

10.SUSAN: And did you want to use a cash card with your account?苏珊:你想要一张现金提款卡吗?