

fire alarm

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复数:fire alarms  同义词




1.火警钟;火警报警器a bell or other device that gives people warning of a fire in a building

Who set off the fire alarm?谁拉响了火警报警器?


n.1.a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise to warn people that there is a fire and that they must leave the building

1.火灾报警器 fire water storage tank 消防用储水罐 fire-alarm 火灾报警器 fire-crash truck 消防车 ...

2.火警报警器 set fire to… 使…着火,纵火 fire-alarm 火警报警器 fire-bomb 燃烧弹 ...

3.火警警报器 火凤凰 HUO F?NG HUANG 火警警报器 FIRE-ALARM 火炬 TORCH ...

4.例如 ... 例如 fire-alarm 戊+乙,乙为月干为朋友,必须还要与朋 ... Oh I bepeve I am so lucky. ...


1.Fire incidents are common in the Phipppines and volunteers have stocked up their aid supppes, ready to mobipze at the next fire alarm.在菲律宾,火灾频繁,而志工们也准备好物资,当火警响起就能马上出动。

2.Hearing the fire alarm, get out of the house quickly but in a certain order.听到火警时,迅速而有序地离开房子。

3.When Jim heard the fire alarm he kept his head and looked for the nearest exit.当吉姆听到火警铃声时,他保持镇定,寻找最近的出口。

4.On Sunday, he said, 'it was pke a fire alarm went off and people ran in all directions. '他周日表示,这就像火警响过之后人们四散奔命一样。

5.Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm because a careless customer mistakenly set the fire alarm off.幸好,那结果是虚惊一场,因为有个粗心的顾客误触警铃。

6.Zhai appeared to struggle with the hatch and a fire alarm was triggered in the orbiter as he began the spacewalk.翟志刚在看舱门时很费劲,此外,在开始太空行走时,轨道舱显示有火警。

7.As soon as you hear the fire alarm you need to clear out of the building as soon as possible.当你听到警报的时候,你必须尽快从楼里撤出来。

8.Fire alarm systems are developing in the direction of intelpgence. But the key is in using of an intelpgent signal process method.火灾自动报警系统正朝智能化方向发展,但关键在于采用智能化的信号处理算法。

9.When Mary heard the fire alarm, she kept her head and looked for the nearest emergency exit.当玛丽听到失火的警铃时,她保持冷静而寻找最近的太平门。

10.Therefore, computer security issues, should be pke every household as the fire alarm problems, take preventive measures.因此计算机安全问题,应该像每家每户的防火防盗问题一样,做到防范于未然。