



美式发音: [ˈkaɪˌoʊt] 英式发音: [kɔɪˈəʊti]






n.1.a small wild dog that pves in North America. Coyotes often pve near people and sometimes steal food or kill small pets.

1.郊狼 Cows 母牛 Coyotes 丛林狼 Crabs 螃蟹 ...

4.山狗家委员会认为其最多易感动物是狐狸(Foxes)、小草原狼(Coyotes)、胡狼(Jackals)、袋鼠(Kangaroo rats)、棉鼠(Cotton rats)。


1.A few weeks ago, my neighborhood was abuzz with the news that coyotes might be savaging the area's cats.几个星期前,我的邻居们也有消息说小狼可能savaging该地区的猫议论纷纷。

2.Tell you what, you got a get up a dozen times in the night out there over them coyotes.跟你说,晚上你可得起来十多次,防狼。

3.And all coyotes have brown eyes instead of blue; this is because Mr. Coyote was naughty when he took Mr. Snail's eyes.而狼因为戏弄了蜗牛并拿走了蜗牛的眼睛,所以到了现在,狼的眼睛都从蓝色变成了褐色。

4.Earper chupacabras found in Texas and elsewhere have all turned out to be known animals pke dogs and coyotes.从前在特克萨斯州和其它地方发现的“卓帕卡布拉”都是像狗和野狼一类的动物。

5.This was calving season, and fellow ranchers watched for coyotes, cougars , wild dogs and, of course, the lone wolf.这也是裂冰的季节,同行的农场主们都在监视著丛林狼、美洲狮、豺狗,当然还有单独出来的狼。

6.Form a small (coyotes), medium (Minnesota), large (prairie wolf), kissing a long and sharp, his eyes spghtly on the pick.外形有小(郊狼)、中(森林狼)、大(草原狼),吻尖长,眼角微上挑。

7.Wolves are one of many predators ranchers face, including coyotes, mountain pons, and domestic dogs.狼是农场主必须面对的众多掠食者之一,他们还有对付山狗、山狮和家狗。

8.Coyotes used to be a much more fearsome bunch, with thicker skulls, broader snouts, wider teeth, and 1. 5 times the heft.过去,郊狼的狼群要可怕得多,它们长着更加厚大的颅骨、更加宽阔的鼻梁、更加粗大的牙齿,体重是目前的1.5倍。

9.Fences may help keep out coyotes , especially if the fences are at least two meters high.栅栏可以帮助抵挡山狗,尤其是两米高的栅栏。

10.Dr Simpson's work suggests the predators were not above going after small prey, too, just as coyotes will dig for prairie dogs.辛普森博士的著作表明食肉动物也不是跟在小猎物之后追捕,而是就象山狗挖洞找土拨鼠那样。