


美式发音: [ˌti en ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌtiː en ˈtiː]





1.三硝基甲苯;梯恩梯;黄色炸药a powerful explosive


n.1.a chemical used for making powerful explosions

1.三硝基甲苯(Trinitrotoluene)都是成熟的,但在生产制备的过 程中产生了大量的含有梯恩梯(TNT)、地恩梯 (DNT)、黑索今(RDx)等多种剧毒物质的酸性和 …

3.黄色炸药运敦豪(DHL).中国邮政特快专递(EMS).荷兰天地物流TNT).美国联合包裹(UPS).以及联邦快递(FedEx)等国际知 …

6.特纳电视网(Turner Network Television)特纳电视网TNT)和体育新闻网(Sporting News)都把科比评为2000-2009年间NBA10年最佳球员。2008年6月23日,科比 …


1.Key decision-making factor to choose TNT was that the transportation required special handling, careful packing and enhanced security.选择TNT的主要因素是,此次运输需要特殊的处理,且小心的包装与高度的防护。

2.Nuclear explosions are measured in kilotons , an energy release equivalent to that of thousands of tons of TNT.核弹的爆炸威力通常是以千吨计,亦即释放出相当于千吨黄色炸药的能量。

3."You know, like I said, I don't want to meddle, " Obama told TNT.像我之前所说的那样,我不想干涉别人。

4.Miller also said "No Thanks" to the Celtics, preferring to stay retired and keep his place in the TNT studios.米勒也曾对凯尔特人队的邀请说不,现在的他宁愿退役,在TNT演播室做自己的评论员工作。

5.But Artest mightve inadvertently slipped up in an interview with TNT on Wednesday night.但是阿泰也许只是在周三晚上的TNT采访中说漏了嘴。

6.The development tendency of TNT wastewater treatment for combination of the two or more technologies is pointed out.指出多种方法的联合应用将是TNT废水治理技术的发展趋势。

7.Fission bombs can release an amount of energy up to the equivalent of about 500, 000 tons of the explosive chemical TNT.裂变核弹能释放出最多50万吨TNT化学炸药的当量。

8.After we investigate the issue, we felt that it could be due to improper packaging by the TNT delivery person.经过我们公司最终调查,原因可能出在tnt快递员包装的不够密封。

9.A unit of explosive force equal to that of one billion(109) tons of TNT.一种爆炸能量相当于一百万吨tnt的核武器。

10.As the bees fly around, the electrostatic charge from their bodies attracts TNT residue, the explosive component from landmines.蜜蜂飞来飞去的时候,它们身体上的静电荷会吸取地雷的炸药成分TNT残渣。