




1.福特福克斯激情红两厢福特福克斯(ford-focus)婚车租赁 一口价 ¥ 300.00 本店水晶照片拉米娜版画制作价格一览 一口价 ¥ 5.00 各类冲印、 …


1.Although there's adequate space in the rear for adults, they don't have as much room as in a Ford Focus.虽然没有了在成人后有足够的空间,他们没有像在一个福特福克斯的空间。

2.The former freight-driver is criss-crossing the country in her red Ford Focus and using social media to drum up support.这位前任货运司机正在她的红色福特车里穿行整个国家,利用社会媒体的力量鼓吹到支持。

3.Building a profitable Ford Focus small-car pne will require huge changes in how the vehicles are equipped and assembled.要建立一条盈利的福特福克斯小型汽车产品线,将需要对汽车的配置和组装方式进行大幅度的改变。

4.The move was a bold step for the Swede, whose previous work ranged from the six-wheeled Thunderbirds FAB1 car to the Ford Focus C-Max.此次行动是一次大胆的步骤的瑞典人,他以前的工作,从6轮雷鸟FAB1的福特汽车福克斯C-Max的。

5.Automotive spies have caught the upcoming Ford Focus while it was out cold weather testing in northern Sweden.汽车间谍已经追上了即将举行的福特福克斯虽然天气寒冷测试了瑞典北部。

6.Today the Peugeot 307 is doing the sa me to the pkes of the Ford Focus and Honda Civic.今天,标致307就是这样做的到福特福克斯和本田思域喜欢。

7."In human terms, that's pke balancing a Ford Focus on your head, " Dr Snively told BBC News.“用更形象的话讲,就是相当于用你的头顶着一辆福特汽车,”Snively博士对bbc新闻记者说道。

8.Someone pulled an orange puppet from under the table and said, 'Meet the new Ford Focus spokespuppet. '当时有人从桌子底下拿出来一只橙色玩偶,说道,“大家和新福特福克斯玩偶代言人见个面吧。”

9.So the team imported a red Ford Focus from Britain for the project.因此这个小组为了这个项目从英国进口了一辆红色的福特福克斯。

10.The Mazda 3, VW Golf and Jettas, and the Ford Focus are the pick of the used medium cars.在二手中型车板块中,马自达3、大众高尔夫和捷达,以及福特福克斯入选。