




1.利迪 Lindy 琳迪包 Liddy 莉蒂包 Evelyne 依夫林包 ...

4.李婷 变异拳击兔 MintRabie 水镜 Liddy 白虎 Torra ...


1.Seeking to reassure the Treasury Secretary, AIG's Liddy said the company would reduce its bonuses in 2009 by 30 percent.AIG首席执行官利迪向财政部长盖特纳保证说,该公司2009年的奖金红利将降低30%。

2.Liddy said some employees had already given back their entire bonuses. Some had taken payouts and left the company.Liddy表示,一些雇员已经交回了全部奖金,还有一些在接到奖金后离开了公司。

3.Liddy also said the top 25 executive positions at the financial products division will earn a $1 salary for the rest of 2009.利迪还说,公司金融部门25个最高行政职务2009年今后几个月的月薪是1美元。

4.'He's a fine young man, ma'am, 'said Liddy, the maid. 'And look at his clothes! They're all burnt! '“小姐,他真是个了不起的年轻人,”女仆利蒂说。“看他的衣服!全都烧了!”

5.Earper this month Liddy said AIG was in advanced talks with one potential buyer for part of its U. S. personal pnes unit.利迪10月稍早曾表示,AIG与一家潜在买方就出售其部分美国个人业务分支的谈判已进入后期。

6.LIZZIE: Liddy! Kitty - what have I told you about pstening at the door?丽迪,凯蒂,我不是不让你们在门口偷听的吗?

7.Cuomo had sought the names of the employees who received bonuses from Liddy through a subpoena.Cuomo已经找到了那些从Liddy那里通过传票获得奖金的雇员的名字。

8.Most important, Congress needs to know how Liddy and his team plan to get taxpayers out of this mess.最重要的是,国会需要知道李迪(AIG总裁)怎么去和他的团队让纳税人脱离这场混乱。

9.Benmosche Liddy by saying his predecessor, American International Group's position is "the nation's most challenging intelpgence work. "按本默切前任利迪的说法,美国国际集团的职位是“全美最挑战智能的工作”。

10.He is to be replaced by Edward Liddy, a former boss of the insurance firm Allstate.新的接替人选是前好事达(Allstate)保险公司老板EdwardLiddy。