


美式发音: [fræt] 英式发音: [fræt]





FRAT— see alsofraternity


n.1.Same as fraternity2.a student fraternity

1.兄弟会 亲兄弟 blood brother 兄弟会 frat 堂兄弟姊妹 coz ...

2.大学生联谊会 ... fraternity 兄弟关系;兄弟会)【参】 frat 大学生联谊会)像一堆 frau [德]夫人;已婚的女性)如果妻子欺骗丈 …

3.富瑞达 OBK 欧必克 FRAT 富瑞达 LANHE 蓝赫 ...

4.兄弟般的 ... business: 商务 frat: 兄弟般的 throw: 举办(晚会) ...


1.Even if you work for a hip company where fun is a part of the company culture, she says, "It's not a frat party. "即便你所效力的公司是很前卫,娱乐是公司文化的一部分,她说:“这可不是兄弟会聚会。”

2.The former frat boy saw himself as bringing "firm resolve and clear vision and a deep faith" to a global struggle between good and evil.这位前兄弟会成员认为自己给全球的善恶判断带来了“坚定的决心,清晰的视角和深刻的信念”。

3.Ruth sat near him in the stern, while the three young fellows lounged amidships, deep in a wordy wrangle over "frat" affairs.露丝坐在船尾跟他一起。三个小伙子在中舱闲聊,为兄弟会的事大发议论,争吵得不可开交。

4.It came down on the net later that it was a frat, but not from our TF.后来从网上了解一到它就是被误击了,但并不是我们特遣队干的。

5.The call center is a cross between a coed college frat house and a phone bank raising money for the local public TV station.呼叫中心在一个交叉点上,在女校的会堂和为当地公共电视台集资的电话银行之间。

6.How am I supposed to sneak out of here with that frat partygoing on downstairs?楼下那么热闹,你要我怎么溜出去啊?

7.To overcome the periodization effect of a finite transform, we introduce a novel ordering of the FRAT coefficients.为了克服这一周期的影响有限变换,我们引入一个新的命令FRAT系数。

8.it implies that the grown man living in the place is still a teenager or frat boy at heart.因为这意味着即使住在这个地方的人已经成年,他在内心仍然只是个十几岁的孩子或者花花公子。

9.The film has the feel of a frat-house impro attempted by guys who've done too much weed.影片已经做了太多杂草的家伙试图FRAT内部即兴的感觉。

10.You wanna act like a little frat boy bitch, that's fine.你想表现的像一个兄弟会的小混蛋,那很好。